Part 23: SWORDS!

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~Your POV~

You complained loudly about not finding anyone.

"Calm!" Herobrine said, "You know people don't live very close to their spawn points. That always confuses me,"

You suddeny went full derp, "Muffins. He has muffins,"

"Uh, okay..."

Herobrine continued on. You returned to the real world and ran after him.

"What am I supposed to do?" you asked, "I don't have any super powers. All I've got are threats to eat hands and an insane smile. I just scare the living bejeesus outta people. Probably why I have no friends..."

Herobrine looked at you in sympathy, "Aw, c'mon. You made lots of friends with the Creepypastas,"

"Exactly. Crazy. You know," you twirled your finger over your forehead, "Cookoo!"

"So? They're friends all the same. It's not like they're gonna kill you in your sleep,"

"I haven't even been tested to be clinically insane. My mom's too scared that it'll be positive or whatever happens for psychological tests,"

"Why don't you make any friends? I'm sure there are some people like you out there,"

"I really only have one and a half days in the real world now, and I don't go to school anymore. I got my college degree early,"

"Wow. Aren't most people your age... Like... Just finishing up with highschool or something?"

"Skipped some grades! I may be crazy, but I'm smart!"

"Oh! We're here!"

A large, golden house gleamed in the sunlight. It was covered in really bad redstone traps and item holders with golden tools were all over the inside walls. A character that you couldn't see clearly was thrashing its blocky head about as if it was talking. You pulled a ladder out of who knows where and placed it on the wall. You climbed up.

The moment you saw that pixely, tan skin with the black and gray clothing, and the most easy to spot accessory (other than sunglasses), a golden amulet with a purple jewl encrusted in it, you nearly fell off the ladder.

"I-It... It's..." you stammered in complete amazement.

"SkydoesMinecraft?" Herobrine finished your sentence, enjoying the look on your face.

"Did you do this on purpose?!" you asked.

"Maybe. I'm gonna boost my populartity like a skyrocket after this!"

Herobrine walked up the steps and opened the door. While Sky was still rambling on about whatever, which made you sad that you couldn't hear it, Herobrine scooted up the ladder and peered down. You were watching from the open doors, both hoping Sky could, and wouldn't see you. You made an assumption that the veiw of you from the screen would be your skin while in reality, it's actually just you. Sky finally stopped talking and went up to get something. But he stopped halfway up the ladder and just stared at Herobrine's face for a minute. He suddenly jumped off the ladder and ran to the doors, the character's head throwing itself every which way in what you presumed to be screaming. Herobrine came out of the hole in the ceiling, laughing.

"That. Was. Hilarious!" Herobrine chuckled.

You looked at Herobrine as he was doubled over laughing. You just gave him a poo brain look. Herobrine gave you a worried expression.

"D-did I... Do anything?" he asked.

You looked up, "Oh, no. It's just, I have this odd feeling..." suddenly, Sky's character was running at you and Herobrine with Deadlox and TrueMU's characters following behind, "SWORDS!"

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now