Part 8: He's... Scared...

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You stared at Herobrine for a moment. Herobrine's worried expression suddenly turned to panic.

"What consequences?!" you asked.

"If you stay here much longer, you'll become part of the game... You'll disappear from your world as if you never existed," you gasped as Herobrine explained, "And if that's not bad enough, you'll automatically be sent to the void to get your coding. The void won't recognise everything that makes you human, and you'll be stripped of everything. Soon enough, you'll just be a mindless, but very pretty, villager,"

"Can't you take me back home?! I don't wanna be mindless! I like me!" you screamed.

Herobrine sighed, "But it's harder than that! We can't just be there for a second or two and reset! You have to be back for as long as you were here, and that's been about thirty-seven days!"

"Then why can't I go back home?! I'm not going to run away!" you panicked.

"But I'd like to be there with you.... But I can't always be there or I'd turn eight..." Herobrine mumbled.

"How did you find me?" you asked in a bored manner, despite your worry.

"Well.... I was looking for players to kill when you were young and I happened to find you..."

"And what game were you inside?"


"And what game do I play the most often?"


"And last question, where were you created and still live to this day?"

"Minecr- Oh. I get it now,"

"Yes! We can chat when you have to reset. Besides, Mom will think you're my friend in real life, so she would expect us to chat on Minecraft," you said, more relaxed for some reason.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's hurry!" Herobrine exclaimed, grabbing your hand and almost crushing it.

He snapped his fingers and everything went black.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now