Part 2: Um...

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You refused to leave Steve's side after "The Shooting". Steve didn't like the idea because you would follow him to his little holes he had dug to just starve himself for some odd reason. Then, right at the last second, he'd murder cows and pigs. (Pretty cryptic crap going on here...)

You wandered off only a few times just to run right back. Steve was not happy at all. He would groan every time you would whip around right in the middle of your mining just to glare evilly at Steve.

Eventually, Steve locked you in the house from the outside. You scratched and clawed at the door like a zombie trying to get to a villager. The door didn't give in. Then, you heard Steve walk off into the distance and then slowly break into a run.

"Son of a bitch..." you mumbled.

You slid into a corner and put your head in your knees. You cursed and cursed profound words at Steve. Soon it went from just mumbled curses to a full blown self conversation.

"Why did he take me to this God forsaken place?!" you screeched to the ceiling.

"It's both their faults! Herobrine should never have launched at me when I had Bob..." you paused, remembering the baby Creeper, "Bob! Is Bob okay?! Oh my God... Bob... Please be okay..."

You started to bawl uncontrollably. Tears streamed down your cheeks, slowly turning into a small puddle underneath your feet. Then you got really angry again, screaming and cursing like a drunken sailor. Finally, you started to laugh uncontrollably. You rolled around the floor with your eyes shut tightly. You had no control over your emotions! (Heh. Typical day for me when I'm alone. :3)

Steve finally came to the house to witness your display of craziness. He slowly backed out of the door and slammed the door shut, locking it in the process.

You finally calmed down and Steve walked in.

"Erm... Are you okay?" Steve asked.

"Fine... Just fine... Yeah. I'm fine. Completely fine. Nothing wrong here!" you replied.

Author's Note: Short chapter, I know, but I've been draining myself dry of ideas lately. Also, with having to worry about volleyball, I... Like... Have no imagination as of now... I just put what I normally do. On a normal basis. At least once a week. :3

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