Part 11: Meet Slender

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You ran as fast as you could and opened the door to your house. You slammed the door shut as you heard Moe launch off your father (BTW, Herobrine had picked up Moe before he teleported you and him and Moe had launched out of Herobrine's hands). He must have scratched your dad's leg because your dad screamed. Your dad thumped over to you with his leg slightly bleeding.

"What have I told you about slamming that damn door?!" he yelled.

"Sorry! But me and my friend ran into some trouble. The bullies from school showed up in my forest and started to attack us!" you lied.

Your father gave you a suspicious look, "What is your friend's name?"

"He--... Brine... His name is Brine," you replied.

Your dad nodded but still had that suspicious look in his eyes. He left anyway to get his leg taken care of.

"I wish I got a dorm in college when I had the chance..." you mumbled.

You walked upstairs to your room and started to play Minecraft. You played on your favorite server and chatted with a few people while you mined more Quartz. You left the Nether and got back to finishing up your Quartz house.

The real you suddenly heard a poof behind you and you turned around to see Herobrine with Slender standing behind him.

"(y.n), this is Slender," Herobrine introduced.

"Wow... You're a lot creepier than I thought you'd be..." you said.

"Most Creepypastas usually are. Take Jeff for example," a deep voice replied in your head.

You took a step back and shook your head, your vision started to blur.

"Oh, you might want to tone that down a bit, Slender. She's still human and we're trying not to kill her," Herobrine cautiously informed.

"Oh, sorry. You see, (y.n), I have a telepathic field that not only alters electronic equipment, but minds as well. Humans are very susceptible to it," Slender apologized.

You nodded, "What about 303? Are you sure it'll listen to you?"

"If I can get those two dumbasses Jeff and BEN to stop fighting, I sure can calm down 303." Slender replied.

"And don't come with us. Slender will be speaking at high frequencies. So it's best to stay away," Herobrine concluded.

You agreed. It would be fun to watch, though.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now