Part 12: It's Running

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Author's Note: Happy Valentine's day! Hope you guys and gals have a wonderful day (mine's full of chooocooolate)! But... I'm all alone. I've just got my mom and an annoying brother. Hope you guys have a better day than me! -w-

Herobrine shuffled and put his hands behind his back, signaling he had heard your thoughts. You smirked and made the most annoying noise in the world in your head.

"Stop it! Agh! That's annoying as Hell! Are you that immature?!" Herobrine screamed, covering his ears.

"Yes. Yes I am," you snickered.

Herobrine grunted. Slender must have told Herobrine something because Herobrine nodded, but he crossed his arms and glared at you before teleporting off.

You laughed and leaned back in your swivel chair. You went back to your game and found yourself in a hole where your house used to be, but you had all of the Quartz required to build it. There was a sign as well, "That's for your immaturity. -w-" it read.

"Herobrine," you sighed, smiling.

~Herobrine's POV~

I reappeared next to Slender, after messing with (y.n)'s house.

"So where's 303?" Slender asked.

I pointed to the lean, running mass coming toward us, "Right there,"

"Okay," Slender said.

303 continued running toward us, without stopping. Boy, was it pissed.

"303! STOP! YOU DON'T ATTACK OTHER CREEPYPASTAS! HEROBRINE WAS JUST LOOKING AROUND WITH HIS FRIEND!" Slender screamed at a telepathic level of over nine thousand. (Hehe. Hehehehe. HEHEHEHEHE.)

303 didn't stop, it was hardly phased. It ran and ran, and I noticed something. It wasn't heading for Slender and me. It started to swerve over to (y.n)'s house. It was going at all costs to get to her.

"We need to stop it! It won't listen to reasoning! It wants (y.n)! It wants her!" I screamed in panic.

I started to flail my arms as sweat formed on my face. My glowing eyes dimmed drastically. My black heart's pace quickened. I didn't want (y.n) to be hurt. I couldn't let her be hurt.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now