Part 22: Brotherhood Doesn't Matter

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"See!" Herobrine exclaimed, "So adorable!"

You rolled your eyes and just continued eating. Herobrine was transfixed. You finally finished your food and suddenly, you were pulled in a kiss by Herobrine. You groaned. Herobrine pulled away.

"I don't care," he grinned. He pulled you in again.


You were lying down on your bed, squeezing Moe until he squeaked unhappily and tried clawing your face. You let him go and he bolted off. A zombie wandered into your room and groaned in its non-understandable language. 

"Something to do with Herobrine?" you asked it.

It nodded its head and moaned. You sighed, got up, and followed it. It stumbled through halls and finally stopped in front of a large pair of doors. It gestured you in. You walked in. Herobrine was sitting in a chair in front of some sort of Hitler-table thing that had all of the servers' maps on them. Even the Xbox 360 Edition ones. (Bum bum BUMMM).

"Um... Herobrine... What in the actual world is this?" you asked, extremely confused.

"It's the---... Erm... I don't know yet. I'm alone usually. I never expected to fall in love with someone... And actually not kill them," Herobrine replied with equal confusion.

"Okay... Well, then, why am I here?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go haunt some players with me. Not kill any, just haunt 'em,"

"Uh, sure. But won't they think it's weird that some random girl is hanging around with you? Won't they think you're a fraud?" 

"Meh, they won't think I'm a fraud. Not when I start to mess things up. Especially in a single player, no Creative mode allowed world,"


Herobrine grabbed your hand and teleported to some random server. You managed to find yourself on top of a tree while Herobrine landed safely on the ground. 

"How-?" you threw your hands up in the air and then pointed to Herobrine.

"Teleporting to different servers in Minecraft is WAY different than teleporting around one server, or to the real world. I don't know why. You end up in the spawn point, and like normal Minecraft, anywhere within at least twenty blocks of the spawn point." he replied casually.

You groaned and jumped off the tree. It wasn't a very tall one, which you were glad of.

~Steve's POV~ (Bum bum BUUUM)

I'm going to get him. That scum of everything. He was going to pay. And by Notch, I was going to make his death painful beyond compare!

I had collected everything. From fire resistance potions, to an endless supply of muffins. (Hehehehehehe) I was hungry. I set off to find Herobrine's portal. That bastard must have deleted my memory of it. He took (Y/N), stole some of my memory, and fucking acts like it was meME! I... I... I CAN'T BELIEVE HIM! He was dead. Dead to me. Brotherhood doesn't matter anymore. It never mattered, at least, not to him. It never mattered to him.

Herobrine had loved me. As a brother, of course. He was a bad man for sure. But he taught me important rules in life... Well, Minecraft life. He taught me all of the basics, but he couldn't teach me the new stuff in the new updates. He hadn't learned how to find the Wikki yet. I taught him that stuff once I learned them myself. In the next update, though, he got removed again. Something about him was different. He was more dreamy, and separated himself a lot from me. Soon, he had competely erased himself from my life. In fact, he actually started to hurt me! I would wake up in the middle of the night, hearing dogs barking. I went out to check, and there he was! He was standing there, tilting his head and saying things like: "Only God can save you now". Then, I was dead. I woke up in my bed to my still-healing wounds. It was terrible. 

One day, I found Herobrine's portal, but that was a white space now. Anyway, when I walked in, Herobrine was stabbing the living shit out of someone. Red stuff spurted out. Then, he disappeared. Herobrine finally returned and was happily mumbling something about some girl. He had said that she was so cute and that he couldn't wait until she was old enough to actually date. I shivered. She must have been, like, 10 then. Herobrine was 21! Video game characters' ages don't physically change. (Y/N) is still only 18! Actually... I have nothing to complain about. I was created with a beard.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now