Part 9: Back Home

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You landed in your room, still gripping Herobrine's hand.

"How long have I been out?" you asked.

"You were out only through the teleporting process. But you've got a bit to go so you won't pass out through the teleporting process," Herobrine replied.

You heard steps coming up the stairs and rushed Herobrine under your bed. Herobrine huffed and you hushed him. Your door opened and your mom stepped in your room.

"(y.n)! How'd you sneak past me? I was just about to get worried when you didn't come home this morning!" she exclaimed.

"This... Morning...?" you asked.

"Well duh, Ms. Forgetfulness! You had a note on your bed yesterday saying you left to a friend's! So glad for you honey! You finally made a friend!" she happily replied, "Well, glad to know you're okay! See you later!"

With that, she walked out the door so happy, you imagined little sparks coming off of your mother. Herobrine climbed out from under your bed, brushing himself off from all of the dust under your bed. His glowing eyes illuminated your dark room as he looked at you.

"Your mother was pretty extatic," Herobrine observed.

"Yeah. Most people think she's on crack," you said, "And how did you write that note?"

Herobrine sighed, "Just because I am a video game character, doesn't mean I can't write,"

"And about that 'I was only gone from yesterday to today' thing when you said I was gone for thirty-seven days or whatever..." you asked.

"Yeah, I guess Minecraft to real world time is kinda like Narnia. Only there's a small time toll unlike Narnia," Herobrine replied.

"So that means we only have to be back home for around forty-eight hours?"


"Cool. I haven't been able to try all of the stuff I could do in Minecraft yet, so, can't wait to go back!"

"Huh. I thought you'd be all like 'I don't wanna go back! It sucks there!'"

"Well, now that I think you're thinking of not just yourself, but me as well, why not? Oh, and before my father gets suspicious, you might wanna go knock on the door and ask to hang out with me or whatever. But he is very skeptical of boys, especially ones that look older than me,"

"Ugh. Fine. You people and your parents..."

Herobrine teleported to the door and you heard knocking downstairs.

"Who is it?" your father asked in his gruff voice.

"A friend of (y.n)'s," Herobrine replied in a much deeper tone.

You heard the door opening a crack and your father asked you a question, "Hey (y.n)! Do you know this guy?"

"Yes, Dad. Yeesh! I'm eighteen now! You don't have to breathe down my neck!" you replied.

"As long as you live in my house, I have every right to! Now get down here before I get my gun!" he retorted.

You sighed and headed downstairs to meet up with Herobrine.

"If you two try any funny business, I'll be seeing him in court!" your father called after you.

You rolled your eyes and gave a little wave to show you heard him. Herobrine looked over to you with his black sunglasses covering his white eyes. He smiled widely as though he had achieved something. You smiled as well as you led Herobrine to the forest you love, the forest you called the Forest of Bones. You called it that because it was full of deer bones and stuff from the wolves living there, also just to scare off other people.

"Pretty dark name for it being kinda your own forest," Herobrine observed as he read the badly painted sign you had made when you were ten.

"It's really just a bunch of animal bones from the wolves. They won't bother us. They're okay with me because I found and returned some of their lost pups when I was around eleven or so," you explained, "When faced with a wild animal, show no fear. Fear is a sign of weakness. Weakness is the path to death,"

Herobrine chuckled, "You're quite a different person when you are in this forest, aren't you?"

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now