Part 26: Scaredy Cat

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~Your POV~

It had been a couple days since Herobrine gave you Bob. You were busy in your room trying to get Moe out from under your bed. Unlike Minecraft cats, he was terrified of Creepers. Bob was triumphantly strutting around the room when he realised Moe was the one scared of him.

"Moe! Come out!" you said as you tugged at the cat, who was latched firmly on the (favorite colour) carpet.

"MRRRROOOOOW!" Moe screeched back. 

He dug his claws in deeper into the carpet. You continued tugging him, hard enough to losen Moe, but controlled enough to not rip out his claws. Moe flipped his head around and hissed at you.

Yout gave him a withering look. Moe immediately let go of the carpet in fear.

"Good kitty," you said, rolling Moe into a ball and stroking his head.

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter after a long wait. I got sick and ideas are hard to comeby. Well, I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

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