Part 18: So Much Laughter

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Author's Note: I'm just bursting with ideas here! I think I might have a few more chapters, or this might just be a really long one. I stopped the other one so short because that was the perfect ending. Anyhoo, back to the story! And I will stop with the Author's Notes. For a while.

~Your POV~

You nodded your head. Herobrine helped you up and Moe launched off to continue being chased by the body of the Wither Skeleton. You laughed a little, brightening up your mood. You walked up to BEN nervously. BEN turned around and smiled at you.

"Hi! Slender said you're Herobrine's... Uh... Girlfriend, right?" Ben greeted.

"Yeah. Unexpectedly," you replied and glared at Herobrine. Herobrine blushed.

"S-sorry... You wouldn't have came if I didn't..." Herobrine apologized, scratching the back of his head nervously.

You met all the other Creepypastas and Sally ran up to you.

"Hi Miss! Mister Slendy said that you'll be staying with Mister Herobrine and you have a kitty! Can I pet your kitty?" Sally asked politely.

"Sure you can! If you can find him. He's probably either still being chased by the Wither Skeleton or chasing more. If you can't find him, just call his name. He'll come running. He loves to be pet," you replied.

"Yay!" Sally exclaimed.

Off she ran. You chuckled a little. Herobrine seemed to look at you weird, as if he was contemplating something. You asked him if he was okay and he just replied with a dreamy "yeah". You shrugged and continued walking around the place and socializing with the other Creepypastas. 

You got stopped by the oh-so-interesting Trenderman and he started going off about style and what-not. You started to let your mind wander when Trenderman pulled out one of those rope-like rulers and started to measure your waist. 

You blushed, "H-hey! What are you doing?" 

"Just measuring you! I've got some inspiration and I'm planning on giving you a new style!" Trenderman happily stated and then teleported off to go do whatever the hell he was gonna do.

Your face returned to its normal color and you continued on. You started up an interesting conversation with Masky about desserts, but Masky would constantly bring up cheesecake. Herobrine floated over to you and asked what you were doing.

"Minding my own buisness, Stalkerbrine," you scoffed mischeviously.

Masky laughed. Herobrine flicked your forehead. You growled.

"That's what you get, kid," Herobrine playfully said.

"I'll have you know I am a full-grown adult, not an eight-year-old kid thinking he's twenty one,"

"In my game, I'm older than you, (Y/N)."

"In my world, I'm older than you, Herobrine,"

Soon enough, it turned into a "who's older than who" match between you and Herobrine. All of the Creepypastas circled around to listen. Half of them were cheering for Herobrine, and the other half were cheering for you. Eventually, the Herobrine and you ran out of age-related insults and started spouting out random words.

"Skeletons!" Herobrine said loudly.

"Creepers!" you yelled back.











"Fine! You win!"

"Ha! I rule! I am the best person ever! I beat Herobrine! Woo!"

Everyone suddenly dropped to the floor, laughing. It was a loud roar that rang through the mansion. You were the last to stop, having to crawl across the floor to find the kitchen. Herobrine teleported next to you and your buckets of milk.

"I can't believe we did that!" he exclaimed, grinning, "In front of everyone too!"

"Well, that's what you get if you decide to keep me around!" you replied, light-hearted.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now