Part 5: Taken

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                   ~Steve's POV~

I wandered around my house aimlessly, looking at things and muttering about them. I couldn't believe how much stuff was in my house! I had plenty of iron items such as iron picks, a compass, and even a full set of armor. I shifted through one of my chests. It was full to the brim with gold and restone, iron and coal, and even a few diamonds.

Minutes later after I had finished throwing a sword everywhere, I felt an extreme pain in my head. I staggered to my bed and curled up into a ball, clutching my head. Suddenly, memories flashed through my eyes like a waterfall. I remembered when I first came to my world, when I was still too stupid to avoid Creepers, when I first met (y.n), all the way until Herobrine took her from me. When I couldn't remember... When I was weak... When (y.n) was taken from me so quickly, she could have never been there...

I howled in agony. The pain I felt was worse than a sword in my stomach, slowly taking away my life. I smashed the wooden floor with my fists in fury. She was taken from me. And I will get her back.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now