Part 7: Consequences

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Herobrine waved a hand in your face.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Just spaced out," you replied.

Herobrine nodded and got up to leave to his room. You got up as well and left to your room. Moe jumped up on you once you lay down. He mewed for pets and didn't stop until you did give him pets.

"You're an attention hog," you told Moe, smiling.

Moe just meowed in reply. You flipped over sideways and fell asleep, placing Moe between you and the edge of the bed.


When you woke up, you felt Moe's warm body heat pressed uo against you like normal. Only, it was warmer and he seemed to cover your whole body. You turned around and found Herobrine's white eyes staring smugly at you. You blushed wildly.

"H-Herobrine!" you screamed, rolling into the gap between your bed and the wall.

"What? I just wanted to give my sweet little (y.n) a surprise..." he replied with fake hurt.

You huffed.

"But I actually need to tell you something," Herobrine said quickly.

"What is it?" you asked.

Herobrine scratched his head.

"You know... That... Imaginary friend you had?" he asked nervously.

"Yeah," you replied.

"Well.... Um... Hehe... That was... Me..." Herobrine said.

You stared at Herobrine, wide eyed. Herobrine blushed madly.

"Wait... So what you're telling me is you're... Like... eight or more years older than me?!" you screamed.

"No, no! I mean, technically, I'm eight." you gave a disgusted face as he explained,  "But I'm a video game character! I was made to be older! In here, I'm twenty! In your world, I'm eight."

"B-but... You were all tall and muscular and stuff! You even had a deep, scary voice!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms up.

"Yeah... There's a reason I don't stay in your world to long...." Herobrine nervously explained, "If I stay in the real world for over three days, I turn into an eight year old. How old I am in the real world. And then I lose all of my powers until I'm twenty."

"But what about me? If you have consequences in the real world, then don't I have some in Minecraft?" you asked.

Herobrine's eyes suddenly went wide.

"You do...." he whispered.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now