Part 21: (Y/N)! Y U SO CALMEH?!

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"You..." Herobrine slurred on his words and stumbled in an attempt to keep from falling, "You get back here... Bitch... I ain't fucking... Done... With you... Yet..."

"Go away. I don't want to mess with you." you retorted.

"I ain't... Fucking... Going away... I... I am... You worst... Ass... Nightmare..."

"The worst nightmare I had about an ass, was one where I saw your face,"

There was a loud, drunken "ooh" from the other Creepypastas. Slender shook his head in disapproval.

"You... You dare call me an ass...?!"

"Yes. I do."

Slender's telepathic voice suddenly blared in your head, "Do you even know what you are doing?! You are in his world! He can delete you out of it! You will die!"

"I know what I'm doing," you whispered. You shook your head to get rid of the fuzz that had gathered up in your head after Slender screamed at you.

Herobrine got very angry and summoned his diamond sword. He stumbled toward you in a mad frenzy. You backed up with every unsteady step Herobrine took. He got even more furious with your attempts to stay away. He tried to run at you, but fell. Herobrine got up. Soon, Herobrine's stumbling steps started to get more straight and stable. Slender started to panic while you remained calm. Right as the drunken code was going to swing his sword at you, he sobered up and immediately drew back the sword in panic.

Herobrine looked at you in concern, "I didn't do anything to you, did I?!"

"Nah, well, other than trying to rape me, then trying to kill me, I'm fine!" you responded in a calm, yet enthusiastic way.

Jeff stumbled up to you, the potion still taking a slight affect, "Woah, man! You almost got murdered by your own boyfriend! And you're... You're so calm about it!"

"Meh, not much of a big deal. I've always been nearly raped or killed by drunk assholes," you replied.

Jeff shrugged and gave a little "huh" and wandered off. Herobrine hugged you and there was a huge "awww" from all of the Creepypastas.

"I promise I won't drink that stuff ever again," Herobrine promised.

"Okay," you said.

Herobrine shooed all of the Creepypastas out of the mansion. You and Herobrine were finally alone. You got up to gorge yourself on whatever was left in the kitchen and Mr. Stalkerbrine followed you. You came out of the food room, your hands full of baked potatoes, steak, and porkchops.

"Why does the way I eat make you so... Weird... Around me?" you sighed as you stuffed a full potato in your mouth.

"It's just... I mean... You're so cute when you eat! If your mouth wasn't full of food, I would kiss you!" Herobrine responded dreamily.

You were still hungry and didn't want to be dragged into a long kiss, so you stuffed your mouth with as much food as you could fit in there. You looked like a chipmunk.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now