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~Your POV~

 I remind him of what? was the thought that coursed through your mind after Jeff had ran off to go get whatever "potions" Herobrine was making. You couldn't stop thinking about it. There was something more to that flashback you had when you first saw Jeff. Something there, something you felt, something... Missing. It flowed endlessly through your mind like a river. You wandered over to Herobrine to see what was going on about the "potions".

"There you are!" Herobrine exclaimed cheerfully.

"What's the deal with these 'potion' things?" you asked.

"I dunno if you think if it's right or not, you being eighteen and whatever, but these potions are kinda like alchohol, but really, REALLY strong. This shit makes you see stuff,"

"What kind of stuff?"

"Anything and everything. Although, if you aren't careful, you can get yourself into some deep shit." Herobrine pointed to Jeff and BEN sloshing their potions around and hugging eachother like some sort of gay couple (No offense to anyone gay or lesbian though, I respect your decision), "This shit is how all of those 'Pasta x 'Pasta fanfics started. I don't know how that shiz with me and Steve started though, it annoys me,"

"Shippers..." you mumbled. Oh how you despised shippers. Sometimes it was okay, like obvious ones such as (Scoose meh for the ponies, but, BRONIES! You all know what I'm talking about! Flutterdash... Ugh...) Twighlight Sparkle x Flash Century, but ones like the one Herobrine just mentioned, made you sick to your stomach.


"They're basically people who find small little details in shows or whatever, like My Little Pony or whatever, and then take those small scenes to a whole 'nother level. Therefore, ships between characters with no relationship like what we have are born,"

"Steve and I aren't in any shows or movies or anything,"

"Those shippers are just there to ruin lives and make you want to fucking bleach your eyeballs and brain out. I was curious when I saw that when I was younger, never fucking again. They all end the same way, you and Steve meet somehow, pleasant or not, eventually or immediately fall in love, nastiness (lemon), then, over,"


You nodded, "Can I try one of those? But, I'm gonna ask Slender to keep an eye on me, I don't want to do something I'll regret."

"Sure," Herobrine replied.

He handed you one of the potions. You grabbed it, thanked him, and left to go talk to Slender.

"Really? You too, child?" Slender asked in both disappointment and surprise.

"I just need to erase some memories I accidentally un-deleted from my memory. I just have one word for it, shippers," you replied.

"Oh, you poor thing. Must have lost your innocence that day, huh?" Slender said, gaining more sympathy.

"Yup," you sighed.

"Okay, I'll keep you out of trouble. But just this once, okay?


You took a swig of the potion and instantly, everything started turning upside down. Colors floated pass and clouds appeared out of no-where. This was not a very pleasant experience.

~Slender's POV~

The moment (Y/N) drank that cursed "potion", if one could ever call it such, her pupils enlargened drastically and her eyes went in complete different directions. She looked as if she would throw up, and she seemed to think she did, as she tried to run in the direction of the bathroom but hit a wall, and puked there. I hate to think of what it must be like of I were to drink whatever concoction Herobrine had created. I hoped to whatever great entity (Y/N) believed in to not let her get addicted to this abomination. 

Sally came out from the room I had put her in to see what was going on.

"Mister Slender, what's wrong with Ms. Herobrine's Friend?" she sweetly asked.

"Oh, she's just trying the fake potion," I replied kindly, "This is why the fake potion is bad, dear child. You aren't yourself, and you think differently,"

"Why didn't she listen to you, Mister Slender?" 

"She is an adult, Sally. She has the freedom to do what she chooses, no matter how bad,"

"I don't wanna be an adult Mister Slender... It sounds scary..."

"Don't you worry one bit, I'll keep you safe, even as an adult, if you like"

I did not have the heart to tell the sweet little girl she would never become an adult. Such things are impossible for ghosts. If only I could find the wretched man that killed her. I would rip him limb from limb.

I looked up to check on (Y/N). She was getting dangerously close to the sword that idiot Herobrine had put down before setting lose those abominations of liquid. I was afraid she would impale herself. I quickly walked over to her and picked her up and set her back down next to the wall Sally was by. A fair distance away from Sally, of course. The last time I let one of those drunk idiots near Sally, some bad things nearly happened.

(Y/N) wandered off again, thankfully, far from the badly-placed diamond sword. She stumbled over to an also drunk piece of coding named Herobrine and started flirting with him. It seemed fine in my non-existent eyes. They were planning on taking the relationship between them seriously, so any interactions between them, flirty or serious, should be fine. That is, until Herobrine made some very obviously unwanted moves. He tried to lift up (Y/N)'s shirt, but (Y/N) didn't let him. I needed to get (Y/N) out of that situation before she got hurt. Drunk men are not to be trusted. Being the tallest of all of the Creepypastas, I was tripping over everyone to get to (Y/N) and Herobrine, who was very quickly becoming angry with (Y/N). I finally reached her before Herobrine could make a lunge at her. I picked her up and as soon as I set her back down again, (Y/N) sobered up. She held her head and tried to speak, but had to rush to the bathroom first. She came back, looking green with sickness.

~Your POV~

"Thanks, Slender, for saving me back there..." you thanked.

"It's fine. I hope you have learned your lesson," Slender told you.

"Oh, I have. I most certainly have. I never felt this bad in my life... I couldn't think, see, or hardly hear. Hell, if it wasn't for you, I would either be dead, or raped right now. I can't thank you enough!" you exclaimed.

Slender accepted your thanks. Suddenly, Herobrine, still drunk, stumbled over to you, anger flared in his eyes.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now