Part 31: He's Gone

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You were transfixed at the sight. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't scramble away, let alone look away. You just sat there on the floor, trapped in some magical spell that kept you looking at the screeching blood bath of a battle that was going on.

~Herobrine's POV~

I couldn't believe him. Steve actually started to blame (Y/N) for this. HE STARTED TO BLAME HER. For Notch's sake, Steve had turned into even more of a jerk than I ever could be to (Y/N). I was filled to the brim with rage. Steve was going to die, and when he did, I would have to get rid of his memories of (Y/N). Possibly make some sort of girl he can hang out with so he'll never even have the shadow of a doubt that (Y/N) ever exsited.

That was it. I made enchanted diamond armor appear on me, in case whatever was on that sword touched me again. Weapons aplenty were in my inventory. I glared at Steve, my dark heart pounding with fear, for myself, for (Y/N), I still don't know.

~Your POV~

You saw Herobrine with an odd expression on his face, as if he were trying to look for some mental weakness in Steve. Both were bleeding heavily from cut wounds. As you were busy looking at the cuts and bruises, Steve's expression of anger took a terrifying turn. Now it wasn't just angry, far from that, it was pure evil. More than the smirk Herobrine gave you when you first "actually" met him, and far more sinister than the laugh Jeff had in your flashback.

He was definetly not planning on it being a joke.

Suddenly, you heard lound clanging and saw Steve trying to break through Herobrine's armor. Herobrine tried to block him, but Steve had gotten quicker since they last fought. You saw the armor start to chip away, bit by bit. Herobrine also started to swing at Steve blindly. You were just about to run away before a loud crack sounded. You looked back and you saw Herobrine's chest plate bust open like an egg. As soon as it fell off Herobrine's body and disappear into smoke, Steve stabbed his sword into Herobrine's stomach. Herobrine fell to the floor and disappeared just like his armor.

You gasped. "No! No no no no no no no no..." you said, as if that would bring Herobrine back.

Steve laughed triumphantly, "Ha! Finally! And you wanna know what's best, (Y/N)?" Steve paused for a second, "He's never coming back! He can't bother anyone anymore!"

You were in the corner, crying your eyes out. It wouldn't have been so bad, if you knew he was coming back, of only he was coming back.

Author's Note: This is the final chapter of Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an Option. But, don't worry. There will be a third book. I don't know what to call it, so I will be holding a name contest and a main idea contest! The main idea contest will be held first in the next update, and once that's finished, the name contest will be held!

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now