Part 24: Minecraft Pro

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"Shit!" Herobrine cursed.

He grabbed your hand and teleported to a nearby jungle. Once you both were in the safety of the jungle, Herobrine gave you a sheepish smile.

"Heh, guess I forgot that SkydoesMinecraft has friends,"

"They're gonna find you, you know,"

Herobrine looked up at the sky, still smiling. That is, until he saw the moon's position. His expression suddenly turned to worry.

"We gotta go underground. And fast." Herobrine told you.

"Why?" you asked, completely confused.

"Remember when you were still really mad at me when I killed Steve... And then kidnapped him to lie to you...?"

You gave Herobrine a very unhappy look. "Yes. I remember."

"And then he told you about that little weakness I have...?" Herobrine was now holding his hands behind his back and blushing ten shades of red.

"Yeah. The one where you can't move?"

"Well... It's nearly midnight..."


You finally understood and ran off to go punch trees. It hurt a lot more than you would have thought. By the time you had enough wood and started to dig a hole, Herobrine was quickly becoming stiff. You finally dug a nice hole and shoved Herobrine inside. Once inside, Herobrine walked to a bed you made stiffer than if he was encased in concrete.

He lay down and rolled over on his side. Then he became as unmovable as a rock. You, still being wide awake, decided to make a furnace and smelt the leftover cobblestone to fill up the dirt. Then you dug another hole inside your hole. You collected cobblestone, made a stone pick and sword, and mined all night.

~Herobrine's POV~

I finally woke up from that stupid stage I go through. I looked around the tiny, makeshift underground home (Y/N) made and saw it nicely decorated. How did she have the time to do this?! I looked for (Y/N), but couldn't find her. All I saw was a small, 2 by 1 staircase that led down. I decided to follow it. It was just constantly going down.

I finally reached the bottom to a room, much larger than the one (Y/N) built for me. There were three 2 by 2 mines, each marked by either an A, B, or C. I went into Mine A. Every twenty blocks, there was another mine that went through Mine A. There was Mine A 1, Mine A 2, Mine A 3, ecetera. This girl was a serious miner.

I explored to the end of Mine A. Then I decided to go to one of the extra mines. There was cobblestone everywhere. Some just filled up holes from mined up ores, others from blocking off caves, and even more for blocking off lava. I started to think to myself as I wandered the mines, I can definitely use this in haunting and torturing players... But, not actually kill them. Just their characters. (Y/N) would get mad anyway.

Suddenly, I heard (Y/N) talking to herself as usual. Something about a surprise for me. I quickly walked toward the sound. I saw (Y/N) covered head to toe in diamond armor and holding a gleaming diamond pick. A blue sword was held by her side in a saddle that she had turned into a shethe. She was battle ready. I saw a Creeper wander toward her. I was ready to attack, while (Y/N) stood her ground. It came close, looked at (Y/N) for a second, and started to hiss. (Y/N) seemed to sigh, then, suddenly, the Creeper's head was on the floor and its body teeter tottered back and forth before (Y/N) pushed it over and it disappeared.

I was surprised. I walked over to (Y/N) and tapped her on the shoulder. She swung around and nearly chopped my head off!

"Oh, Herobrine! Sorry 'bout that. Thought you were another zombie," (Y/N) apologized.

I inhaled deeply from the scare. "It's fine. How did you make this so quickly?"

"Herobrine, you've been knocked out for days. I think about two weeks,"

"Oh... How has Sky not found you?"

"I never came up. I've been growing trees at the end of Mine B, and raising animals at the end of Mine C,"

"What about Mine A?"

"I'm planning on growing plants there. Mmm... Sammiches..."

"This is like the ultimate zombie invasion bunker,"

"I know, right! We don't ever have to go outside!"

I chuckled. Although she's a great Minecrafter, she's still a little kid. On the inside, of course.

(Y/N) started to jump up and down. "I have soooo much stuff! Now I can help haunt players too! I'm a wonderful swordsman and a pretty great archer!"

(Y/N) pulled out a purple-glowing bow and pulled a lever. A mass of mobs appeared and started heading toward (Y/N), not even caring about me. While I was terrified for her life, I heard a ton of whooshes and all of the mobs were dead.

I stared in astonishment. "...How...?!"

"Practice," was all (Y/N) said with a smile.

~Your POV~

You laughed at Herobrine's baffled expression. "What? You think a girl can't shoot?"

"N-no! Not at all!" Herobrine held out his hands and waved, as if trying to wipe away the thought, "I just thought you'd need some help!"

"It's okay, Brinney," you smiled and laughed as Herobrine gave you a frown.

"D-don't call me that..."

"Fine. Let's go mess with Sky!"

Herobrine gave a little nod. You led him through your labrinth of a mine and climbed out of the makeshift underground home.

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now