Part 29: He's Found It.

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Herobrine growled unhappily, "You know perfectly well I hate Creepers,"

"Yeah, and that makes it all the more funny," you replied with a smug tone in your voice. You grabbed your right hand that was put in a fist and put it up to your chest. "Aieee! Help me! I'm immortal and can never be killed! Save me from the Creeper!" you mocked.

Herobrine gave you a very "I am not amused" look. You started to laugh uncontrollably. Bob looked at you as if you would die any second. Herobrine got up, brushed himself off, and looked at you with a disapproving glare, the kind your father would give you if you asked to go over to a guy's house. As for you, you didn't care. You continued rolling all over the impossibly cool Netherbrick floor. Herobrine left you and your laughing fit.

Eventually, you stopped and lay on the floor to breathe, that is, until Moe came and sat down on your chest. You pushed him off but he would just get right back on. Almost, as if, he was warning you of something. He was a very smart cat, and countless times he had been aware of some foreign entity that had housed itself in your closet back in the real world. Your parents always had told you that there is no such thing and your mother would tell you that she would know if your so called "Closet Monster" (which you eventually named "Herobrine the Stalkerbrine" because he was the one in your closet when you stopped believing he was your imaginary friend) existed because she was always fond of her ability to sense super natural occurences. Yet, she never sensed Herobrine because he wasn't any sort of super natural ghost. Just a freak accident.

You eventually gave up and stood to see what Moe wanted. Moe nudged your leg to signal to follow him. You did and he led you through twists and turns that you never knew existed in the palace/mansion. You eventually came to a button and Moe nodded his head toward it, telling you to push it. Your finger, shaking for some reason, as was the hair on the back of your neck standing up, pushed the button only to find it opened a small hole, no doubt a glitched piston Herobrine had made. You peered through the hole, just to see a very disgruntled and slightly confused Steve standing right in front of the portal and glancing around. He was clutching his glowing diamond sword tightly, as if expecting an army of Nether mobs to come crashing through the walls, all sights aimed on Steve and growling louder than a jet engine. So this is what Moe wanted to show me, you thought, Steve found the portal... My God, what is he planning to do?

Herobrine x Reader: Failure is Not an OptionWhere stories live. Discover now