Part 4: He's Back

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The island glowed and shimmered as if it were water being hit by the sun's rays. You focused more on the island. Looking at it, you saw flames spit and claw at the blue sky, but these flames were not normal flames. The flames created a wind so hot, you would be roasted if you stood even ten blocks near them. These flames were started by war, and fed on fear and hatred. These flames were hellish flames. These flames were Nether flames.

You and Steve stared at the sight, both perplexed and terrified. Only two people could cause these monstrous flames. Notch himself, or the not-so-mythical Herobrine.

"It couldn't have been Herobrine...." Steve whispered, "He's... He's left..."

That's a lie I cannot live by. You silently thought.

Suddenly, the noon sun disappeared and a bright, shining midnight moon appeared. Mobs all spawned and all hell broke lose. Bright green zombies groaned, greyish white skeletons clattered, spiders slinked through the night with their glowing red eyes, and a witch cackled in the distance.

"RUN!" Steve screamed as the mobs noticed you and him.

Steve grabbed your arm as a moment of da-ja-vu passed. The two of you bolted off to the house. Stars whizzed past you as streaks of light. The two eye like white light of the torches quickly got closer as you streamed across the ground with Steve. You got even closer to the torches of the house, but orange lights appeared wide apart than the close together... White... Glowing... Eye like... Torches...

"My God..." you muttered, breathless, "He's here..."

Steve, taking no notice, continued rushing toward the eyes with you scrambling to keep from being dragged. Suddenly, Steve stopped. You were thrown forward from his movement right into Herobrine's arms. Your face smashed in his warm chest, making your nose bleed heavily from both embarrassment, and the force put on your nose from being thrown and hitting face first into a hard object. Herobrine set you down while your head spun, dazed.

"So it's the new skeleton," Herobrine said mockingly toward Steve.

"For the last time! I didn't shoot her!" Steve raged.

"That's not what the coding said," Herobrine gave Steve a deathly glare with not a trace of sympathy or amusement. Herobrine obviously did not make Steve do "the Shooting" and did not approve of how Steve tried to kill you.

"I knew it... The moment I got that feeling... I knew you were behind it..." Steve muttered half to himself, half to Herobrine.

"Well, I'll be taking (y.n) back with me then," Herobrine said.

"Oh no you don't!" Steve screeched as he pulled out his diamond sword.

"(y.n), go grab your stuff if you like. If not, this'll be over quickly." Herobrine said calmly.

You went to grab your picaxe Herobrine gave you and the dress. You came back out and Steve was frozen in place, screaming out his lungs. What did Herobrine do? Suddenly, Herobrine whipped out a deathly yellow potion. What's that for? You wondered.

Your question was soon answered. As soon as Herobrine threw the potion at Steve, Steve was immediately released from his invisible ropes and looked at Herobrine and you with a confused face.

"Wh-who are you?" Steve asked.

"No one you need to worry about. Now go ahead and get inside. Monsters are lurking about," Herobrine told the confused Steve.

Steve walked curiously past you and Herobrine and smiled, muttering something about how pretty you were and saying he wished you were single. You opened your mouth to speak but Herobrine interrupted you before you could make a sound.

"I'll explain everything later. Just hurry up before the potion wears off," he said, waving his hand toward the direction of the portal.

Off you both walked while most of the mobs cautiously avoided you. A Creeper wandered over to you, but you shot it a glare before Herobrine noticed it. You finally reached the portal, or, where it was supposed to be at least. Herobrine continued walking and disappeared completely. You decided to follow his footsteps. You appeared in the mansion.

"So... Now?" you asked Herobrine.

Herobrine sighed, "Yes. Now."

He gestured over to a couch. As you sat on it, he began to explain.

"What happened to Steve was a Forgetfulness Potion. It made AI's forget what they were doing for an hour. And in Steve's case, he forgot everything. He'll get most of the memories back. Except the one for the location of my portal. And the portal is invisible because of a permanent Invisibility Potion that works on blocks. Happy now?" Herobrine said.

"Yes. Very," you replied smugly.

Herobrine chuckled, "I'm just glad to have you back, mood swinging goofball."

Author's Note: Oh, but the story doesn't end there. There is still much more drama to come. Tune in sometime this week or the next for part 5! :3

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