14) Pet? I'm sorry what?

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^ Mia Wood

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^ Mia Wood

A/N: Her Insta is SayriaJade if anyone wants to know

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

{ Elijah's P.O.V }

Oh thank fuck we're back on time, 10:26pm. 

Me, Pri and Noah were now waiting outside for my sis to come back from that guy's house. I swear if I see a hickey this time I'm going to actually throw up.

We turned our heads at the sound of footsteps.

Oh my God, what kind of creature is that?

"Oh, you guy's were actually back on time," Mia closed the house gates behind her and walked towards us- I gagged.

What the FUCK is that on her neck?

"I can't look at you, I'm actually gonna throw up," I gagged and turned away, hunching over, "And it's not only your face this time-"

A foot kicked me on my butt, forcing me to lurch forward and stumble onto the floor. 

I hissed as my knees connected with the concrete floor. Yeah, that wasn't all! The big doughnut then swatted my back with her palm several times.

And when I tell you it hurt, it hurt.

"We! Look! The! SAME!" She yelled, hitting me after every word. Someone save me from this woman, come on! She hits me more than my own mother does! How does that wor-

"OW OW OW OKAY OKAY WE'RE BOTH UGLY!" I got up and dusted off the dirt that got onto my clothes before stepping several steps away from that monster, "You're just uglier-" 

Honestly I saw this coming, literally.

Something heavy collided with my face making me once again topple onto the floor. Groaning, I picked it up and saw a big, heavy, handbag.


Hold up, where the hell are my friends? I look behind me and see them trying to stifle their laughs. Upon seeing me turn, Noah covered his laugh with a cough and masked his grin with an innocent smile.

Look at these little shits! 

Enjoying every single moment of my pain whilst I'm tortured by my older sister. Why aren't they helping me?!

"Why aren't you two helping me?!" I cried, sitting up on my elbows. Pri cleared her throat and said something that made my jaw drop, literally drop.

"If you call a person ugly, especially someone that's stunning like Mia, you deserve to get hit babe, sorry," she said and high fived my sister. 

I feel betrayed... Noah should be on my side though. I looked at Noah, however he also high fived Pri whilst looking directly into my eyes. Right into my eyeballs! 

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