12) Riddle

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Noah's heart was pounding. He was speed walking down the hallway, breathing heavily and looking back behind him every two seconds.

With the letter clutched tightly in his hand.

I can't believe I did that just for a piece of paper...

Doubt and worry started to fill his thoughts and he suddenly felt nauseous.

What if Pri and Eli find out? What if Ray tells someone and the whole school finds out? Pri and Eli won't be my friends and I'll be an outcast aga-


Noah was startled out of his thoughts at his name being shouted and he looked ahead, to see his two friends jogging towards him.

"There you are! What the hell happened?" Elijah asked, looking at Noah's wide brown eyes. Priyanka laid a hand on Noah's shoulder.

"You took so long, about thirty-five minutes so we decided to come look for you," she noticed how Noah uncomfortably shifted from foot to foot and how he kept glancing at the two of them, "You okay?"

Noah forced out a laugh and simply said, "I'm good, but being in the same room as him alone is pretty scary."

All three of them shared a laugh before it turned silent, their eyes on the paper in Noah's hands. He brought it to eye-level with a grin.


"Y-You actually got it," Priyanka stated in shock, "That easy?"

Haha... easy isn't exactly the right word...

"I know right? Who knew it was that simple" Noah laughed again, glancing behind him.

"Imagine if the paper is blank, I'd be pissed" Elijah said, gesturing to open the sheet. The three of them closed in, heads together as Noah unfolded the paper.

They all blinked at the piece, glancing at each other before turning back to the paper. Noah just realised that the paper was finely cut and smoothened, not like normal A4 paper. On it was neat, cursive writing, most likely written in ink.

Elijah quickly went to the hall door and locked it, retreating back once he made sure no one was inside the hall with them either.

"Go on, read it out," Priyanka encouraged, peering up at Noah.

Noah let out a shaky breath, before nodding.

He hesitantly leaned in a comfortable position and started to read the letter out loud.

" To The BS,
Time is ticking down and patience is running thin. We have come to an agreement, it is your choice if you decide to go against it. One for two, a pretty decent exchange do you agree?
Once you have successfully taken, we may have a friendly meeting at the UMA. The later I get what I want, the quicker the time runs out.
Tick-tock goes the clock. Hurry.

Lots of love, The RS "

There was a long pause between the three. The atmosphere was throat-clenching tense as Noah lowered the letter, peering at his friend's expressions over the top.

"This sounds like a riddle in an escape room," Elijah muttered, pulling his fingers through his curls, "My brain is still in year seven..."

"Okay what's the BS and RS?" Priyanka asked, taking the paper from Noah and scanning through the letter with her eyes, "and what the hell is a UMA?"

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