24) The Lion's Den

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Ryland followed his older brother and father quietly with his eyes cast down to the ground. He clenched his jaw, dreading the lecture he was about to be bombarded with.

He knew what they would say, the same, repetitive things: You're too young for this. You shouldn't have fought them head on. You just joined the Black Skulls. You just turned sixteen.

The three turned the corner and entered Xavier's large office, which had Alexander already seated on one of the armchairs, patiently. The twenty-two year old looked up at the three, his eyes sliding over onto the two brothers, impassive.

Ray went over to the opposite armchair and dropped into it lazily, with his legs spread comfortably and arms drooping on the armrests. He turned his head to the side and stared at his younger brother silently.

Ray couldn't help the feeling of disappointment.

Not with Ryland, but with himself.

He let his younger brother get hurt, he didn't do a good job with guiding him, and as his older brother, he didn't teach him well.

Ray's glare deepened and he turned away. 

"Ryland," Xavier started, looking across the room at his youngest son, "You know, that-"

"I know, I know!" Ryland said, exasperated, "I shouldn't have fought them. But I was fine with fighting them, I was winning!"

Ray closed his eyes, breathing in deeply trying to suppress his annoyance. He knew when Ryland was lying. Ray knew, that Ryland could have been fatally wounded.

"No, you wasn't." His father retorted with force, "Do not lie to me. Gabriel found you exhausted, limping and bloodied- along with that, James was crying. You did not have the upper hand against whoever you fought.

Ryland tried to keep the irritation out of his voice, "There were four of them and they had knives. It's only reasonable for me to have some sort of injury." When he looked up at his father, Ryland paused.

Maybe he should have kept that information to himself.

"Do you know what they looked like?" Xavier asked calmly.

Ray watched as Ryland licked his dry lips and shook his head, "No, they were just roadmen. Random ones."

Another tug of annoyance pulled at Ray. He didn't bother to try identify them?

Nodding his head, Xavier sighed, "You're not ready."

It was Ryland's turn to be annoyed. He frowned, letting his irritation be shown, "Yes I am! I just made a mistake-!"

"You, only just..." Xavier trailed off with a pointed finger at Ryland's face, "... turned sixteen. You are not experienced enough."

Every member joins at the age of sixteen on their own will. If apart of the family is unwilling to join, you're sworn to secrecy and instead, either moved out, or asked to help instead- whether it be medically or simple chores.

The youngest son gritted his teeth with clenched fists, "I am! I had them on my own, I could've beat them! I just-"

His thoughts traced back to how James screamed out in pain and how he thought he had gotten hurt, causing him to lower his guard. Ryland cleared his throat, straightening himself, "I just got distracted."

"Distracted?" Ray scoffed from the sofa, "That's the fucking problem, you have to pay attention to who you're fighting and in your case, you were stupid enough to fight against four who were armed? You've only been in for three fucking weeks."

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