4) Internal Confusion

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{ 3rd person P.O.V }

An ear-splitting scream rippled to Noah's bedroom, the only thing muffling it being the walls.

He startled up from his bed with frantic eyes and searched for where the scream was coming from, realizsing it was coming from James. He quickly glanced at the bedside clock.

03:24 am.

Noah yanked the bed sheets off of him and staggered out the door, forgetting his left foot's slipper in his rush to get to James and sprinted to his room.

Upon arriving, Noah came to a halt and swung open James's bedroom door, stumbling in. He quickly whipped his head in the direction on his bed to see James thrashing about in the bed sheets screaming.

With the moon as the only source of light shining through the window, he watched for a split second as James clawed at the air in front, before Noah threw himself at the bed. His heart panged to see tears streaming down his little brother's cheeks.

"James!" Noah observed his creased eyebrows and the way the sobs and whimpers left James's mouth before reaching out to shake his shoulder. "James!"

"Don't! Don't do it! No, no, NO! STOP IT!" He screamed wildly, weakly clutching his head and sobbing loudly.

It was never this bad. Sure it was bad, but James usually woke up as soon as Noah called his name.

Noah pulled the bed sheets off James and climbed in next to him, immediately embracing the younger boy in his arms. He started to stroke his hair and hush soothing words.

"It's just a nightmare James," Noah whispered whilst holding James's shaking body and gently stroking his hair in a continuous pattern, "It's not real, it's alright."

Sobs still left James's mouth but he seemed to slowly calm down. Despite this, James still was shaking uncontrollably and his breathing was ragged.

"You're safe, James." His younger brother began to slightly calm down.

Noah sighed and leaned his head against the headboard, closing his eyes. He continued to have his sniffling brother in his hold when the door slowly opened, revealing May, who was clutching the ends of her night top and rubbing her left eye with one hand.

"Mm.. Is James okay...?" She mumbled while walking into the room in tired steps, eyes half drooping.

A soft smile graced Noah's lips as he extended an arm towards her, in which she gave a small smile and gladly climbed into the bed with the other two.

"He's alright May... just..." He pasued and looked down at the fifteen-year-old boy in his arms, "A bad dream..." Noah responded before also pulling the eleven-year-old girl towards him.

The three siblings were now in the same bed, the eldest securely hugging a now steady-breathing James and already asleep May. Gently kissing their heads, he layed his head back against the headboard once again closing his eyes.

...That was the 8th time this month...

[ In the morning ]

Everyone was sitting at the breakfast table in silence, with just the sound of spoons scraping against bowls.

James's eyes were still slightly red and had slight bags under them. Noah kept glancing up from his bowl of cereal at his brother across him, and caught his eye.

'Are you okay?' Noah mouthed at him and waiting for him to mouth something back or something. James nodded and mouthed back 'thanks' before looking back down at his bowl of cheerios.

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