8) Failed attempt

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{ 3rd person P.O.V }

Noah furrowed his eyebrows at how detailed Mr Jones's explanation was about the two mafia gangs. Apparently the two were sworn enemies long ago and this so called 'tradition' has continued through the years. Leaders told their children or the next successor, they told theirs and so on.

Although no one knows the true history as to why these two ancient gangs became enemies, the two gangs grew to hate each other. They were trained and brought up to despise their guts and to rip any member of the other gang apart at any cost.

Noah sat at his desk with his eyebrows furrowed in thought and took in the information that was being given out. Priyanka and Elijah were on the right of Noah in their own desks, their heads in their hands and slowly nodding off.

After the explanation, Mr Jones continued the lesson about gang violence and what you should do if you ever encounter someone with a knife. 

"Can't you just disarm the guy instead of running and calling the police? The guy would probably run after you and would probably be more faster than you" Elijah called out, snapping Noah out of his dazed thoughts.

"Hands up Mr Wood if you want to ask a question," Mr Jones paused, "And no, because it's most likely the person with the knife has another knife or some sort of weapon on them to stab you when you disarm them." 

"What if they don't?" 

"Then they're idiots that don't know anything about street violence," Mr Jones replied with a small smirk, "Now if you don't mind, I'll carry on with your teacher's planned out lesson."

After a few more minutes, the bell sounded, indicating the end of lesson. Although to the rest of the class the bell was music to their ears, to Noah it was a dreadful tune and made him groan in despair.

I don't want to do this....

He glanced over at the back-head of the peacefully asleep Ray and shuddered, remembering his breath on his ear and how he pinned his body against his.

I really don't want to do this...

A familiar hand rested on Noah's shoulder and he looked over, only to come face-to-face with Priyanka, Elijah already standing by the door.

"Remember, the paper is in his pocket. Good luck, you're gonna need it" with that, Priyanka stopped whispering and walked over to Elijah, both of them giving the thumbs up before dashing down the hall.

Mentally cursing, Noah sneaked another glance to the sleeping lion and nervously ringed his wrists. He took a deep breath and stood up, his chair making a quiet squeaky noise in the process.

He swallowed down his nervousness and took shaky steps to the male. Silently praying that the beast didn't wake up, Noah ever so slowly reached a hand into the other male's pocket feeling around for any source of paper.


Maybe it's in the other pocket...

Noah walked silently around the desk to the other side and looked at the calm face with relaxed muscles, laying on Ray's arms. Noah hoped that the piece of paper wasn't on this side of Ray's jacket. Because now he was facing the boy's face, which made it 10 times more unnerving.

Is this really worth it? I could die. 

He forced his hands to stop trembling and reached out to the pocket, holding his breath.

Please don't wake up... pl-

"What are you doing Mr Anderson?"

As if he burnt his hand from a boiling pan of hot water, Noah quickly withdrew his hand and stumbled backwards into the other desks.

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