32) With or Without Consequence

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It was coming close to four o'clock in the afternoon.

Another pained groan left Noah as he forced himself to wobble up onto his legs. In disdain, he looked at his friend, who was nervously wringing his wrists with pursed lips. Noah sighed, "Are you sure this is a smart idea?"

Noah has never seen Elijah look happier.

That was a lie, he has. But you know, figure of speech.

Elijah's grin bore into his face and Noah sighed, hunching over the edge of a chair for support.

Anyone would pass Elijah's expression as manic.

The curly-haired boy breathed an anxious, sheepish laugh, "Nope."

"Oh good," Priyanka moaned from her spot on Ray's bed. She held her head at the impending sobered-up, hangover migraine. She winced, hissing as she sat up, "I was going to be concerned if you did."

"But- Come on!" Elijah flung his arms out, waving a neat, black-leathered wallet in the other two's faces, "We can use some new things, like Gucci, Chanel, Prada... Pri you need heels?" He licked his dry lips at the shake of her head, "He wouldn't mind!"

"... Yes he would."

There was a silence.

Elijah cleared his throat, "Okay, but it's fine. He'll get over it."


Elijah thought to himself with a mischievous smile.

How else can I get on his nerves. That big idiot seems to accept everything I try do.

He cleared his throat.

And I'm not doing this by myself. If he does something to me as a consequence, he'd have to do it to everyone because- Well-

Noah spared a glance at Priyanka. He forced himself to not laugh at the hilarious sight.

He might aswell have looked at an electrocuted cat.

Priyanka's unfocused eyes were still furrowed in confusion. Her mouth hung open and her silky black hair fuzzed around her head, some strands stuck to her cheeks.

"I just woke up," She muttered. Priyanka glanced around the room, smacking her lips and stretching her arms out.

Then opened her eyes properly, paused, and stumbled off the bed in haste. "What the fuck am I doing here?!"

Elijah ran a hand through his thick curls, clearly distressed, "Here as in the revolutionary matters of the Earth which contains the fibres of life and nature and where vehicles pour hydrocarbons into the atmosph-"

"Here, Elijah!" Priyanka cut him off, exasperated, "Why am I in Ray's room?!"

"Well, the consumation of a particulary intoxicat-"

"Don't answer me," Priyanka halted him with her hand and groaned. But she got the message.

"Leave me alone! I'm about to do something stupid!" Elijah defended, whirling around to stare at himself in Ray's large body mirror. He pointed at his clear reflection, "You're stupid!"

"At least he's self-aware," Noah mumbled quietly, earning a stiffled chortle from Priyanka.

The two watched Elijah bounce on his feet and repeatedly glance at the wallet containing a specific card belonging to a certain somebody.

Noah looked at Priyanka from his awkward position on the chair, "You had some of Ray's Romanée-Conti wine and I found you rolling around on the floor when I came in." He explained.

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