9) Black Skull Tattoo? Is it a family thing?

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{ Noah's P.O.V }

"Noah Anderson... what are you doing with your life," I mumbled to myself.

I half questioned half lectured myself the whole way until I arrived at the school gates. I was immediately greeted by Pri and Eli with hugs that legit suffocated me.

No, I literally couldn't breath.

"OMG NOE YOU'RE ALIVEEEE" Elijah shrieked and pulled me into a tight hug, almost squeezing the breath out of me.

"Did he hit you?! Are you ok?! What did he do? Tell me!" Pri demanded whilst checking my face for any sign of mistreatment.

If anything, you two are the one mistreating me with how hard you're hugging me!

"C-Can't... breath..." I managed to wheeze out. They immediately let me go, allowing me to have a gasp of fresh breath before they both bombarded me with questions.

"Did he wake up?"

"Why is your hair a mess?"

"Where's the paper?"

"Wait," Eli raised an eyebrow and looked at my face and hair.

"Did you two fuck?"

"Elijah!" I yelled and instantly turned a red shade of embarrassment.

"What? He treats you like you're his pet. Both of you were alone in the room, how am i-" I quickly put a hand over his mouth and looked around us at the students that were still going home.

"Elijah they didn't fuck you dumbass, it was only around 15 minutes and Ray fucks for at least 30 with the girls he brings home" Pri said with a roll of her eyes, "man hoe with hoes..."

Why does it slightly hurt when Pri mentioned he sleeps with other people? Girls to be exact...

"Anyways where's the letter?"

At the mention of the paper I stood for a few moments and sheepishly rubbed the back of my head, laughing with nervousness.

"Um... about that..." I looked up at Priyanka's and Elijah's expectant expressions and took a deep breath.

"Ididn'tgettogetit" I blurted out in a rush. The two looked at me in confusion.

"What?" Elijah blinked.

"I didn't... get to get it" I repeated slowly, hesitantly looking at each of their expressions.

There was a slight pause before Elijah snorted and nudged Pri with his elbow, "I told you they fucked."

Again, my cheeks flushed slightly pink and I quickly denied his statement again, "No we didn't Eli!"

"You did something right?"

"YES!! And that was get out the classroom when Mr Jones came in!" I exclaimed, "he didn't even wake up!"

Priyanka looked at me with squinted eyes before sighing and shaking her head with a soft smile.

"Alright then, we'll find out what's going on another way, I live in the same house as him...I'm just glad you're not hurt" Pri sighed, whispering the last part.

I smiled gently and looked at the time on my phone, letting out a surprised outburst.

"Yeah uh... guys I need to pick my siblings up," With a quick hug to Elijah and Priyanka, I quickly dashed out the gates, shouting in agreement to Elijah's yell.

"We can video call when we get home!"

{ 3rd person P.O.V }

Priyanka and Elijah stood in the school grounds staring after Noah who dashed away.

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