3) He's your... What?!

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^^ Priyanka Ali

^^ Priyanka Ali

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^^ Elijah Wood

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

{ 3rd person P.O.V }

"Hey, think he'll let me fuck?"

"Better humble himself before I do."

"Yeah, Max told me- Babe? Babe! Stop looking at him, look at me!"

"Bet you ten pounds Crystal will try fuck him."

Ray Carter seemed to have the attention of everyone in the class, both boys and girls included.

Jealousy, lust, envy, greed, admiration.

Even the straightest of straights- well, those who believed they were straight- had their heads turning just to witness the newcomer walk pass.

Noah himself was obligated to steal some glances from the handsome masterpiece next to him, who was now resting his head on his arms, apparently asleep. His eyes landed on the male's lips, which appeared so soft and plump in Noah's eyes.

Noah found himself being pulled into a trance of his own, thinking about the man. Unconsciously, he ran his tongue over his own lips and stared at the flawless skin, taking in every feature that Ray Carter had.

It was as if he was intricately cut and shaped by God himself and born to be perfect; With a slim nose and smooth nose bridge, his perfectly shaped, thick eyebrows canopied over his shut eyelids.

Small and steady breaths were heard coming from Ray Carter's mouth, indicating that he, in fact, was asleep.

Noah snatched at the opportunity to admire the male's facial features without having to embarrass himself by being caught.

With a jawline looking like it was carved by a knife, his cheeks were held with high, prominent cheekbones. Noah felt that he'd be cut into a million pieces just by looking at them.

God has His favourites.

His eyes travels back to Ray Carter's presumed closed ones however got startled.

A pair of blue eyes stared right back.

Within the depths of his eyes, Noah stared and felt a shiver of cold crawl up his arms at the unsaid sense of power that swam slowly around his deep blue irises. The eyebrows narrowed slightly, causing Noah to snap out of his trance.

Noah blinked and quickly turned his face towards the front of the class, a light shade of red slowly gracing his cheeks.

{ Noah's P.O.V }

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