16) Twisting the Truth

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A/N: Reading your opinions are so entertaining.

Also what I'm gonna write now is at the same time Ray and Noah were still in the dining room.


James was anything but calm.

Every silent step on the way to Ryland's room was spine-chilling to the point even the portraits on the walls seemed to shiver.

Arm still over James's shoulders, Ryland could still feel the tense frame he held and looked down at the slightly shorter boy.

But the slightly shorter boy didn't look up and kept his eyes glued to his trainers, despite feeling the intense stare that was peircing his cheek.

James walked on stumbling feet and every now-and-then he silently begged someone to come walk with them so he could espace the thick atmosphere. Or at least make it deflate a little.

They came to a halt at a double door with the metal plate 'RYLAND' attached on the left. And James stared at the door, shivering in his little trainers.

Both of them hadn't uttered a word to each other as they made their way to Ryland's room and James was more than glad.

Opening his door, Ryland left James's shoulders and made way for him to enter.

"After you."

Satisfied when James rushed in with a slightly flustered face, Ryland went in.

Just like every room in this mansion, Ryland's bedroom was massive. It had an en-suite bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe. Large designed curtains were clipped back, giving the room the moonlight that shined through the vast windows.

The colour scheme for Ryland's bedroom was dark blue and grey, the grey furniture making everything stand out.

The sound of the door shutting made James flinch and he whipped around.

And there stood Ryland, an unreadable expression worn as he turned the handle, echoing a rather obvious clicking sound which made the hairs at the back of James's neck stand.

He cleared his throat and attempted to speak despite the ball of nerves gathering at his throat, "Why did you..."

"Take your shirt and trousers off."

And James froze, eyes widening at the command and took an involuntary step back, "Uh... what?"

Ryland went to his walk-in wardrobe and pulled out a two plain white shirts and two grey cotton knee-length shorts.

"Take them off. We're going to bed it's nearly 1am."

James widened his eyes and shook his hands as a no, laughing anxiously.

"No, It's okay I'll sleep on the floor in these clothes," James said and gestured to the space on the floor all the way at the end of the room, away from Ryland's bed.

The boy got out of his walk-in wardrobe and stared at James with a deadpan expression, "You're a guest, you're not sleeping on the floor and you're changing into my clothes."

There was no space for arguement as Ryland closed the doors to his wardrobe.

"Your cloth....Can I- uh, change in the bathroom?"

James panicked when he saw Ryland stalking towards him slowly and took a step backwards. The back of his knee hit the edge of a sofa and he fell flat onto his back with a yelp.

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