30) Caged emotions

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Evelyn was getting ready to go shopping: Soon, Noah would come to the apartment so that he could look after James and May.

They weren't back from school yet, Noah would let James inside once they arrive.

She shoved some carrier bags into her handbag while humming a tune that was stuck in her head. So, they needed milk, eggs, another loaf of bread, some Nutella and-

"Hello," Evelyn whipped around at the startling deep voice, heart spiking up immediately.

Her eyes searched her home frantically, "Who- Who's there?"

A figure emerged from the shadowed corner of the room, masked. Evelyn let out a breath of distraught at the sight, knees buckling slightly. "We don't-" Evelyn swallowed, "We don't have anything that you'd find valuable."

The man sighed and shook his head. He lifted his hand and gripped the top of his mask, before pulling it off his head.

Short blood red hair was exposed along with a firm, square jaw with prominent outlines of cheekbones. A neat beard was cut intricately along his jaw, moustache and sides, defining the almost disappearing jawline.

Evelyn's heart dropped to the pit of her stomach at the one face that haunted her dreams and nightmares.

The one face that she wished to never see again.

The eyes.

Brown eyes identical to her eldest son's stared her down cruelly.

How could eyes hold such evil, Evelyn could never understand.

A sob broke through from Evelyn's throat and she stumbled into the table behind her.

No, no.

"What the- Oh come on," The man groaned, stretching his arms out, "I didn't even do anything."

Memories from that one violent night came flashing through Evelyn's mind and she broke another sob free from her throat. Tears cascaded down her rosy cheeks, some escaping into the corner of her mouth.

The pain, the tears, the blood.

All from that one night.

"Ge- Get out," Noah's mother cried desperately. The man didn't move, only stared at her and trailed his eyes further down. She screamed, "GET OUT! GET OUT!"

The man sighed and tutted quietly, stepping forward with arms that stretched out horizontally, "Now Evelyn, I thought we had a connection," He stated, "Not even gonna give an old friend a hug?"

With a mighty yell, Evelyn grabbed the concrete vase on the table and flung it at him. But the man stepped to the side with ease and the heavy vase crashed into the TV screen behind.

The vase penetrated the shiny black surface right in the middle, leaving a large hole and broken, shattered pieces on the floor.

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