7) Red Skulls, Black Skulls

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{ Noah's P.O.V }

Oh my God that actually is Ray!! There was no mistaking the perfectly shaped eyebrows and intricate jawline, oh and his deep blue eyes-

Fucking hell what the hell is happening to me...Get a grip Noah...

I vigorously shook my head and looked back at Ray.

"What's he holding?" Elijah questioned under his breath.

"I think it's some sort of paper.." Priyanka replied and gasped, "he wasn't holding that before! He got it off that guy!"

The three of us looked back down at Ray, who was now standing right below us opening the folded piece of paper. We flinched when he cursed out and kicked the bin, making it topple over. He seemed to be mumbling to himself, probably a bunch of cusses and swearing to be honest.

"W-What's wrong with him?" Priyanka asked in a hushed whisper, peering over the edge.

I shrugged, flabbergasted at how she was asking us, "You're his step sister! You know him better than-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Pri whipped her head my direction and snapped, "I'm not related to that son of a bitch in any way thank you very much"

We both felt a harsh pull at our sleeves and we were pulled down, behind the edge.

"Eli what the f-?!"

"Shush!" Elijah hissed at us from his crouching position behind the edge of the roof, "he's looking up"

"Huh?" I got up from my spot quickly, still shielding myself with the high edge and made my way to the other side of the roof.

Looking down, I saw that Ray was in fact, looking up at the spot Priyanka and Elijah were once standing, now crouching and blind from his view.

He turned his head towards me and I ducked down just in time. After a good two minutes, I peeked out again and sighed in relief when I saw no one was there. I made my way back to my two friends.

"Here me out: we get the paper from him whilst he is sleeping in class or whatever, I wanna know what's in that paper that made him kick the poor bin." Priyanka spoke after the split silence.

She paused, "Plus, I just want dirt on him."

"I know right?! That bin didn't even do anything, now it's laying there oh so sad..." Elijah dramatically clutched his shirt and took a breath in, earning him a smack on the back of his head, "OW!! What was that for?!"

"Is that all you picked up from what I said?!" She yelled and groaned when Elijah shrugged his shoulders.

"I honestly want to know what was written on there too..." I added, stopping Pri from whacking the hell out of Eli.

"See? Thank you Noah!"

Priyanka held up a splayed hand and I quickly slapped my palm against hers, grinning.

We looked at Elijah, who was shifting uncomfortably, "Uhm, guys? Don't you think this is a bit too... Okay look, "He shifted forwards, lowering his voice," Me, personally, I'm black. In horror movies, we always the first to die. Now, I don't know about you two, but..."

A smile creeped onto my face as he trailed off.

Was he comparing this to a horror movie?

Eli, Eli, Eli, our childish, loveable friend.

"Oh come on," Priyanka pushed, a wicked smile being worn. Oh that smile.

What was she up to?

"Imagine how juicy that letter could be. Remember when he for no reason what-so-ever beat you just for standing up to him?" Priyanka raised an eyebrow, grinning, "Don't you want to have some blackmail on him?"

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