33) Progression

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The slippery, sticky fluid that created stomach-turning images in an over-heated mind.

Traumatic, taunting tricks.

James sobbed drastically at the liquid adorning his trembling fingers.


On his fingers.

Blood on his hands.

"Look what you made me do. He was my friend."

James snapped his head up to meet dark irises, that circled pupils swarming with hatred and obsession. Killian's face loomed over him, decorated with the same splashes of blood from that day. On his cheeks, his hands, his forehead.

"You weren't there to stop me. I told you to come." He didn't hear the sob that left his mouth; James could feel his chest aching in pain at the sight of Isaac's body in Killian's arms. "Look."

Pale. Isaac was pale.

An abnormal pale that rid him of any source of life or health. As if all his blood had been drained from the wound on his head.

Isaac's cold, empty eyes stared unseeingly into James's blown open ones.

He reached out with quivering arms to Isaac's dead body, but he couldn't touch him.

As if every time James got close enough, both Killian and Isaac seemed to be the same space away.

The lips on Isaac's face suddenly moved to form words that James heard distantly, "James, look at me. Look at what you couldn't stop. Why didn't you come?"



Slender hands were felt on James's shoulder and then came Ryland's voice.

The voice James craved for reassurance. Anything but dejection.

He was so close, yet his words were echoing agonisingly in James's head, thumping his cranium, like it could explode any minute.

"They were friends. Why didn't you just listen to Isaac? You did this. You took Isaac away from me, now you're trying to take Killian away from me too." Although Ryland's hand were on him from behind, his dazzling face appeared sinisterly infront, vanishing any trace of beauty James might have seen.

"How selfish can you be?" Came the mocking laughter from Killian.

Isaac's head dropped to the side deadly and his bleeding eyes looked at James, "But it's fine. You just need to wake up."


Crying blood.

It dripped in thick rivulets from the corners of Isaac's eyes and onto the ground with an already wet patch of the red liquid.

"Yeah, you killed him. But wake up. Accept it." Killian jeered.

"Wake up for me," Isaac smiled. The smile James missed so much. "I'll never be able to wake up again because of you, so do it for me."

"Shit, James? James wake up!" Ryland shook the trembling shoulder, watching with wild eyes as James convulsed with cries pouring from his mouth.

His eyes were shut tight, continuous tears squeezing out from the corners of his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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