19) Underwater, different person

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A/N: My motivation is lower than my grades and honestly guys, I think I finally found my talent: procrastination.

But seriously speaking, I've finally had the time for an update and I know how painful slow updates are: I hate them as much as you do.

I can't promise when my next update will be because of certain things. But I'll still be trying so ye ✌😭.

Also, important note at the end. Please read it so you don't get confused in the later chapters.


{ 3rd person P.O.V }

"Mind if we all play tag?"

Alexander squeezed Elijah's shoulder and smiled at his other two friends. "Thought it would be a good idea considering we're all here."

Noah burned beetroot under the silence: He knew everyone was looking at him. Of course, they wouldn't forget what Ray just did right in front of everyone so easily.

This is so humiliating...

"If he's playing I'm not pla-"

"I'm not playing curly fries. Don't worry." Ray clicked his tongue, cutting Elijah off.

"Great! I'll be 'IT'." Alexander slapped his other hand onto Elijah's other shoulder, leaning down so his chin was tickling the top of his ear. "And we're all going to play, right?"

Priyanka looked at Elijah's stiffened posture, to Alexander, and then to Noah's flustered appearance. She raised her eyes to Aiden who shared a glance that urged her to say something.

"Hold on, did you call this 'tag'?" Priyanka butted in, kicking Alexander's leg underwater, "Isn't it called 'Marco Polo'?"

Alexander flinched at the kick and slowly slid his hands down Elijah's arms, before letting go of him completely. He stared at Priyanka, a smile twitching the corner of his mouth. "Did you just kick me?"

Displaying an innocent smile, Priyanka feigned confusion, looked down at the water as if looking for the culprit and looked back up at Alexander with wide eyes, "Me? I would never."

Alexander squinted his eyes in playful accusation and hummed, "Marco Polo? Isn't that when the person has to close their eyes and look for the person who calls out?"

"I have an idea. Ever heard of Popsicle Freeze Tag?" Aiden asked, catching Ray's eye. After the chorus of 'no' and shakes of head, Aiden smiled, the ceiling lights' gleam tinted in his eyes. He kissed his teeth together and carried on with an explanation of the game. "So. There's a person who's 'IT' and whoever they catch, that person has to stay still in the water. They have to stay 'frozen'. Right?"

He looked at everyone to see if they were keeping up and nodded, "The only way to unfreeze someone is if another person swims between the frozen person's legs."

Ray lifted his head at this and looked at Alexander. A slow smirk stretched Alexander's lips and he tilted his head to the side, whistling. "I like the sound of that."

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