21) By the Black Skull's Oath.

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"Detective Wood," A woman in her mid-thirties greeted, nodding her head forward. "How's your undercover work going?"

Elijah's father shut the door behind him and took off his jacket, flinging it onto his chair before dropping himself into it with a deep sigh. He ran a calloused hand through his raven hair.

"As soon as I open a door, another door is there to open and it's frustrating me to the max." He slumped into his chair and brought the cup of coffee that was sitting on his table to his lips. "That household has a secret that I can't figure out."

"I poisoned that."

He paused, then lurched forward, spitting the liquid out his mouth and stared aghast at his co-worker.

A grin formed on her pink lips, "Kidding."

She laughed at his relieved face and tucked sheets of her papers into a clip. Joshua grumbled and looked at her through his fingers, "I told him I was a librarian."

The woman snorted and hid her mouth behind her finger, "Better than having to be a P.E teacher to a bunch of kids."

"Liz, I'd rather be a P.E teacher and teach my own son than be a librarian. Now I have to actually work there at midnight." he said, putting invisible speech marks when he said 'work', with his fingers.

"The exact reason why you cant work as that is because your son is there. But anyway," Liz said, waving her hands, "How did it go? Did you find out anything else?"

Joshua put his cup down, resting the back of his head on the top of his chair. "I don't even know if he is the leader of the Black Skulls. He says he's the CEO of Carter Industries and I believe that! There's no proof to show why or how he gets such a high income. Being the CEO of a company that well-known gets you a lot of money. He's literally a millionaire." He rubbed his tired face and sighed, "All I want to do is spend time with my wife and children. And I've been assigned with this shitty job until I work everything out."

Liz offered a smile, glanced down at the ring on her left hand and gave it a little rub with her thumb. "Yeah, I'm stuck on the same boat as you. Haven't seen seen my husband and baby girl for what? Five years?"

Her expression changed into one of sadness. Images of them popped into Liz's mind and a small twinge of a smile twitches the corners of her mouth. Before falling at the memory of two graves, at her bawling and clawing at her chest, screaming at the engraved names on the grave stones.

Noticing Joshua's sorrowful expression, she shook her fringe out of her eyes and tucked the short brown strands behind her ear. "So, how's Tierra?"

Joshua's pity-filled expression morphed into one of a goofy grin at the mention of his beloved wife, "Beautiful as ever," he replied, staring up at the ceiling, "Her smile, eyes, laugh. God, I don't deserve her."


"I miss having conversations about the things she loves. Just seeing the passion in her eyes is all that kept me motivated."

Liz rolled her eyes, pushing herself off the side of the table she was leaning on, "Oh God here we go again. I'm gonna get another cup of coffee for this. Be right back."

"And the way she scolds me makes me feel like when we were kids, " he said, oblivious to the fact he was alone in the room and was talking to thin air.

[ At Noah's College ]

{ Elijah's P.O.V }

I can't believe it.

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