TBBC Q&A Interview

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"Alright everyone, we're taking a little break. This is a Q&A for my readers and you have to answer their questions- yes, even if you don't like them Ray," Anni added at the frown Ray wore.

"This is stupid," Ray grumbled, folding his arms and glaring away from the front.

"You all have to be nice to my readers," Anni added. She looked pointedly at Ray and Sevan, who both scoffed simultaneously.

"Only if they're nice to me," Ray muttered and folded his muscular arms.

Ignoring his little remark, Anni turned her gaze to the sheet of paper and read out, "Oh, yes, you sit on this bench when it's your question," Anni included and gestured to the long bench they were all currently sitting on.

"Right, onto the first question. Everyone out!"

~ • ~

For Noah, from Jellybeanxx123:
Firstly, I love you, you cute baby bean.
Secondly, please be careful ik this isn't a question but yes, be careful.
Thirdly, have you absolutely no idea who your biological father is?

Noah looked up from the question and beamed at the first sentence, squeezing his eyes shut into crescents. He drew his hands together and made a heart with his fingers before looking through the middle of the shape.

"I love you too! And I will be careful..." he whispered and giggled lightly before reading the next line.

"I.... don't. Actually, now that we're talking about my father, who is he, Anni?" Noah asked thoughtfully, glancing at the girl in question who was now pretending to write something on the sheet of questions.

"Great question Noah! I have no idea," Anni replied hurriedly, ushering a puzzled Noah out the door.

"But you made-"

"Neeeext question!"

~ • ~

For Priyanka, from iwantfooddddddd:
ugh queen ass shit do you know how many people simp for you ?

A small grin crept onto Priyanka's lips, which soon transformed into a full smile that exposed her beautiful teeth. She ducked her head forward and gave a quiet laugh before looking back up front.

"Oh damn, you made a brown girl blush," Anni mumbled, grinning at the look Priyanka sent her way. "I mean, do you know how many people simp for you?"

"Oh shush, I'm not that good," Priyanka rolled her eyes and looked away from Anni and at the front, smiling gently, "Thank you, to the person who wrote this."

"You insulted me," the Author interrupted, pursing her lips. Priyanka swiveled her eyes, again, to Anni and blinked.

"What? How did-"

"You said you're not that good," Anni scoffed and placed the pen behind her ear, "Babes, I made you good. I made you badass. You saying you're not good is an insult to my writing skills."

Priyanka stared at Anni with a twitching smile and said whilst facing forward, "Alright, I'm a badass bitch and yes, I know you all simp for me."

"That'll do. Next question!"

~ • ~

For Elijah, from Hay_Hay_The_Chicken:
Would you do it with Alexander I mean you'll probably say no but😏😏😏

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