28) To track down a tracker

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James was staring up at the ceiling in Ryland's room, pondering every detail about every thought he had.

The curtains were open and James had kept the light off, letting the natural light from outside drift in.

It was coming close to two in the morning.

Yes, he had many thoughts. But one stood out, much to the young man's dissatisfaction.


Where was he? What was he doing? Why wasn't he at school?

Beneath these questions, was also the topic of yesterday night; The two teenagers had embarrassingly- in James's opinion- snuggled with each other to sleep.

He cringed in his position and ran his hands over his flustered face with a low 'ugh'.

That was so...

James couldn't exactly put his finger on the word.

Nice? Relaxing? Comfortable? Yes it was.


No it wasn't James. No it wasn't.

Beside him were the things he picked up from his home; Elijah agreed to go, albeit a few complaints about not knowing how it feels being a driver and having to pay for petrol expenses.

It was his chess set.

James was beginning to feel lonely, with Ryland always gone and coming back when he's asleep.

Noah had Elijah, Priyanka, Ray and his new friends.

And of course, May had Alison.

James didn't exactly fit in- Aiden was a bit too mature, despite being a single year older.

His thinking pathway must have been confused, given that chess is a two-player game anyway.

James staggered in his thoughts, realising his mistake.

He groaned: He had thought that if he brought the chess set, Ryland would feel forced to play with him.

But how could Ryland play with him if he wasn't even here.


James stopped his trail of thinking and opened his eyes again, something coming to mind.

I don't need Ryland to play with me. Why am I thinking of playing with him?

He scoffed, looking at the wooden chess cover that he opened a few minutes ago, exposing the small black and white pieces of the game.

... He probably isn't good at chess anyway.

What a thoughtful way of calling a person stupid.

The door clicked open and James leaned up, watching as Ryland paced in with a glower on his face.

"Fucks sake, man," Ryland whispered under his breath, enough for James to hear, "So much for banning me."

"What's wrong?" James asked from under the covers, peeping his head up.

Ryland stopped his pacing and stilled to look at James as if just realising he's awake, before grumbling, "Nothing, go back to sleep."

"I was never asleep in the first place," James said back, sitting up properly abd leaning against the broad headboard, "Something's bothering you."

"Oh really?" Ryland mumbled in return, flinging his jacket off and slumping onto his sofa.

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