20) Like brother, Like brother

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A/N: School's been very bothersome and I FINALLYYYYYYY have a week off of school :D

Also, this chapter I'd say is quite important- new relevant characters near the end!

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The door to Priyanka's room was pushed open and in came a drenched Elijah, followed by Priyanka and Noah who all had towels in their hands, ruffling it on their soaked hair and over their face.

"Ugh, I got water in my ear," Elijah grumbled, slapping his hand over his left ear and tilting his head to the side, before shooting his head back upright straight away with a groan, "There's water in both my ears!"

"Pinch your nose and blow throw your nose, it might help," Noah offered, watching as Elijah did exactly that and then dap at the insides of his ears with his towel, sighing in relief.

"That's better."

Priyanka had come out of her walk-in closet, without the other two's knowledge of her being gone, and had two sets of clothes in both her hands. She herself was already dressed into a simple grey t-shirt and loose black cotton shorts, and had a hairdryer tucked under her arm. She handed the set of cotton pajama trousers and hoodies to the two boys, "Get dressed into these and then we'll dry our hair."

"Oh yeah," Elijah piped in, whilst tugging his head through his hoodie and pulling it down over his body. He looked at Noah, "So what's going on between you and Ray?"

Priyanka plugged in the hairdryer and also turned her head to look at Noah who had paused in slipping his arms through Elijah's hoodie sleeves. He looked between his two friends and slowly pulled his arms through, "... Uhh..."

"Yeah and he just grabbed you and decided to give you a- that." She nodded her chin towards Noah's collarbone, making Noah fling the hood onto his head and pull the strings, tightening it so only his nose and eyes showed, "What's that about?"

Elijah rolled his eyes, folding his arms and kissing his teeth, "Has he no shame? Doing that in public."

"He... uh..." Noah started, fiddling with the strings connected to the hood. He tried finding the correct words to describe what him and Ray were, but to be honest, did he himself know?

"We are...?"

The silence fell again and his two friends stared at him, blinking.

"I see." Elijah nodded, "You two are."

"Wow." Priyanka deadpanned, the hairdryer in her hand looking as if it was about to drop from her grasp. "So eloquent."

Noah groaned, hiding his face in the hood and bending forward to the ground whilst sitting cross-legged. "I don't know what we are." Noah mumbled, laying on the floor with a half-recumbent attitude and staring up at the high ceiling, whispering again, "I really don't know."

Noah felt the piercing gazes of his two best friends and he looked straight ahead, refusing to look them in the eyes.

"Well he better not be playing you. That's all I care about." Elijah frowned, standing up to walk to the large body-mirror in Priyanka's room.

"No, no. I don't think he is-"

"Good. Because if he is and he hurts you, so help me I'm going to swing his jaw left and right." Priyanka glared, untangling the hairdryer cord and beckoning Noah forward. "And I promise you, once I do that, I'll be trying my best to make his life a living hell."

"Guys look!" Priyanka and Noah turned around to look at Elijah who was poking his chin out at the mirror, "I'm growing a beard!"

"Oh here we go again," Noah mumbled, looking away immediately.

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