27) Return

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Noah couldn't sleep.

It's been roughly an hour since Ray fell into a slumber.

He even visited Elijah and Priyanka to see if they were awake- which they weren't.

Both girls in Priyanka's room were asleep judging by how no answer was given when he had knocked.

Alexander had opened the door with a smile and when Noah looked past his shoulder to the bed, he indeed saw Elijah knocked out cold, sprawled across the bed.

The man offered for him to sleep next to Elijah for the time being if Noah couldn't next to Ray. In return Alexander would move to Ray's room for the night, claiming he had 'teacher work to do anyway'.

He could have, but Noah politely refused and bid him goodnight with a smile. Besides, there was no room on the bed anyway with how Elijah spaced himself out.

To be fair, it is around 3am.

He now stared up at the dark ceiling of Ray's bedroom that was only dimly lit by the moonlight escaping under the curtains. His hands were clasped gently together on his stomach and his chest rose and fell evenly.

Noah couldn't get the thoughts out of his mind.

The thoughts that were defending Ray and telling him that Liam was still alive somewhere, living, breathing and... well- alive.

But there were also the small murmurs in his head that made him think- know deep down, that there was a high possible chance of Liam's cold body decaying somewhere unknown and out of reach.

Maybe even in reach, but just unknown.

The thought made goosebumps erupt Noah's skin.

And if he were to be honest, the feeling of unease and guilt overpowered the small drop of relief in his heart.

What was he supposed to believe?

Noah restlessly turned his head and body onto his side, the friction of his hair on the pillow loud in his ears in the pin-drop silent room.

He looked at Ray's closed eyelids and calm face that was turned towards his. The smooth delicate skin adorned with intricate features that gave no sharp or ominous vibes when asleep.

He sighed, reaching out a hand and tracing the side of Ray's face with his index finger.

Not one twitch.

"You're so beautiful," Noah whispered, looking at Ray's closed lids and imagining the enchanting blue eyes that would look deeply into his own.

Noah enjoyed watching him sleep... as creepy as that sounded.

The dinner they had that night was tense and contained forced 'happy' conversation. Ray didn't speak a word at the table.

After the dinner, Ray didn't speak a word to Noah. Noah had sat at the bed and watched him go in and out of the bathroom, then into covers.

He didn't ask questions, and Ray didn't offer answers to the unasked questions.

And now Noah laid, staring at Ray's sleeping form while pondering anything and everything.

How could a man so bewitching have killed someone?

Noah questioned.

The answer that he gave himself was simple.

He didn't. He didn't do it.

And with that, Noah closed his eyes and finally attempted to drift into a sleep.

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