31) The Beginning of Doubt

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Dray sighed, shaking his head.

"Sir, we really appreciate your concern, but-"

"No," Xavier stated firmly, "It's not safe for anyone right now. Just wait till we get back to say if it's okay, all of you."

The four friends glanced at each other in uncertainty.

"I'm sure the killer clown only comes out at night, besides," Chelsea laughed nervously, "We- We kinda need to go to school today. I... left something there."

"I'll get Ray to bring it. What is it?" Xavier asked, gesturing over a servant.

She quickly shook her head.

"Nevermind." Came the quick response from the dark-skinned girl.

Xavier flicked on his coat and glanced at his watch. "For now, stay with the others. I'm sure you can easily pass the time here. We have a pool, library, gameroom- Just do anything."

The four watched as he signalled the butler with a nod- Probably confirming something that was previously agreed.

"Who does he think he is, our dad?" Miguel mumbled quietly to the others.

Xavier turned sharply, "What was that?"

Miguel shot his head up, like a deer caught in headlights.

"He said thank you for having us," Dray inserted with a smile, "We're uh- glad."

"Ah, of course." Xavier nodded cheerfully.

With that, he walked out the door and left the four persistent friends inside. They sighed in defeat.

Dray looked down in disapproval at Miguel, who chuckled sheepishly.

"Absolute idiot," Kaito uttered and glared at the Latino boy from the corner of his hawk-shaped eyes.

"Well, he's gone," Chelsea shrugged and pointed at the door. "We can just leave now," She suggested.

They all quickly walked to the front door and were about to zoom out, but it opened. The four stumbled back in surprise.

There stood Gabriel, Xavier's personal driver.

He stopped at the sight of the four and his startled expression turned into one of amused realisation.

"Ah, you want to leave?" Gabriel's eyes crinkled into a gentle smile, "My dearest apologies children, but Xavier ordered everyone to stay inside until they come back."

Chelsea groaned out, "Liz isn't going to be impressed, having to wait for us like this."

Gabriel looked into the distance behind them, "Hurry up you three, you may be late for school."

Dray and the others turned their heads to see Ryland and James descending the grand staircase, with May skipping down energetically.

Their jaws dropped.

"What?!" Miguel exclaimed, "They can go to school but we can't?!" He swivelled back to Gabriel, astonished, "They're kids! Younger than us!"

Gabriel smiled apologetically at him and opened the door for James, Ryland and May, after they bid the other four goodbye. "Exactly, their school has tight security. Your college is open. Anyone can walk in."

The door shut in their faces, leaving them in silence.

Dray heaved a sigh, pondering, "Why do they care so much?"

[ . . . ]

Priyanka had just finished her breakfast and decided that she was going to try slowly build the more-than-dead bond between her and her step-brother.

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