22) On the Verge of Consciousness

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A/N: Trigger warning in this chapter for !sexual assault! 

Just for anyone who has triggers for this type of thing, it may be extreme to some people.

Please don't report this 💀 I cba to start again cos I'm one lump of lazy shit.

Heads up: This chapter is about 9300 words long so bare with me 😭

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Noah grabbed his bag and dashed out the door, dragging both his younger siblings by the hands and bidding his mother goodbye with a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Mum!"

"Noah wait! James's lunch!" His mum shouted after him, rushing to hand James his lunchbox.

"Oh," James quickly put his lunch in his bag and kissed his mum goodbye, "Sorry mum, I'll make my own lunch tomorrow."

"Bye mummy!" May chirped, leaning her head up for Evelyn to kiss her on the forehead.

Noah sighed, "Come on, Elijah's waiting outside and he has to drop you two off and then pick up Pri," he turned to his mum, "We'll try wake up earlier tomorrow mum, we promise."

The three siblings ran outside and saw Elijah waiting in the car with the windows rolled down, shades covering his eyes. They got inside, rubbing their hands warm from the coldness outside.

Noah turned in the passenger seat to look at his siblings, "Put your seatbelts on." 

He looked at Elijah who had started the car and was reversing out the parking space. Noah stopped, "Eli."

Elijah hummed in response, looking into the side mirrors and checking behind for any oncoming cars.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses? It's winter." 

Elijah grinned, "I have to fit the look," he quickly flashed his right wrist before holding the steering wheel again, "I even wore my watch."

Amusement lit up in James's and Noah's eyes and they both looked out the window so the nineteen-year-old didn't see their grins.

Elijah had arrived at James's and May's school, after a few grasping of seatbelts and shouts at Elijah to face forward. He hung his head out the window, "Remember! We-"

"Yes, Eli, we know. Noah told us about fifteen times at home yesterday and today. Elijah is picking you up so make sure to stay inside the gates before I call you to come out." James recited his big brother's words and smiled, waving at the two in the car before dragging May, who was reaching down to grab some leaves, inside.

"... What is with May and her obsession with throwing nature at her classmates?" Elijah curiously asked Noah, before rolling up the window and driving off to pick up Priyanka.

Noah's mouth twitched upwards as he recalled the amount of times Evelyn had been called in by the teachers, because of May throwing mud and dirty sticks or leaves at her classmates, "Uh... I think she got it from mum?"

The two laughed before settling into a comfortable silence.

"... Did James have trouble sleeping again?" Elijah asked, eyes on the road.

Noah dropped his head back on the headrest, "Yeah, he woke up at one and then woke up again at five, he didn't go to sleep again."

"Yeah," Elijah muttered, "I figured because all three of you had very obvious eyebags. Plus you were late to come outside."

Noah giggled, "Isn't that normal for me though?"

Elijah grinned and joked, "Don't be surprised when you get a job and they fire you within three days."

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