1) The Beginning

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^^ Noah Anderson

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"What did I say?"

A man was sitting in his black, leathered swivel armchair. The large, broad back of it facing the entrance. In the doorway stood a taller man, wearing a dark suit.

"... I'm sorry Sir but... we can't-"

"Then find another way," the chair was slowly spun, and there, sitting down with his elbows propped onto the armrests, chin resting on his hand that was clasped around his other fist, was the leader of the Red Skulls, "Even if it means to get the Black Skulls involved."

Glinting in the moonlight that shone through the vast window on the left, the leader's brown, hazel eyes swirled with an unknown emotion, a sinister expression etching his face.

A strand of his blood-red hair fell to his forehead and he ran a hand through his scalp, threading it back up.

He pushed himself up from where he was sitting and stepped towards the slim person at the doorway, with his hands folded behind his back.

Brown eyes met black opaques as the taller male kept the contact with the other, who was trying to maintain a steady gaze.

A couple of tense seconds later, the fidgeting male nodded stiffly, bowing his head.

"I won't disappoint you, Sir."

"I know you won't."


Patches of darkness is all Noah had dreamt for the past five years. Vicious, mind-playing tricks that pulled him back to that one night.

A break in to his room. Only his room.

He had thought it was a dream, but opening his eyes to his window wide open, wardrobe doors pulled ajar, and a dark figure hovering over him with a cloth in hand, had changed Noah's mind rather quickly.

Police investigations were pointless, with no witness or evidence there for the police to work on. No CCTV had caught a man walking the paths of Noah's street at 3 am, therefore the police had payed small mind to it.

If they knew who it was, the police would latch onto him and try track him down relentlessly, for he was the leader of The Red Skulls.

{ Noah's P.O.V }


The alarm on my phone echoed the whole room making me stretch my arms. I groggily opened my eyes and looked at the time which read 07:30.

"For God's sake, if I ever meet the person who invented school I will kill them with my own two hands," I grumbled to myself, flipping the bed sheets off me.

It was near the beginning of December, meaning another cold day with fog being seen as we breathe into the air. Though the sun had shown itself, it presented no generous heat to anyone in England.

I gazed up at the sky through the misted window, frowning at the sun. A tease. It was making itself present in the gray sky, but gave us no warmth.

Well, that's British weather.

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