26) Missing and Murdered

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The slow feeling of softness around Noah brought him awake from his sleep as he nuzzled into the comfortable warmth.

He sighed, wrapping his arms around the thing that was blessing him with the snug position. Falling asleep again was nearly welcomed, however Noah snapped his eyes open and realised something once his mind had fully awoken from his slumber.

He was hugging something solid yet soft. Still, yet moving. Breathing.

Immediately, Noah looked up but was met with the top of his head roughly nudging into Ray's chin above.

Oh damn.

"Oh," Noah gasped, ducking his head back into Ray's chest. The chest lifted high, giving the indication that a big inhale was breathed in.

A grunt was heard from above Noah, before the arms around his shoulder and waist instantly tightened, pulling him closer. He was almost suffocated against the muscular pecs that squashed against his face.

Noah wriggled, turning his face sideways so he could breath, "Ray-"

My face is squashed between his boobs, I swear to God.

He paused, then took a moment to inhale Ray's scent and he succumbed into the firm, yet soft layer of muscles surrounding him.

Ray stirred and shuffled, loosening his unconscious grip around Noah and instead, hanging it floppily over his waist.

Which followed with a roll of eyes from the smaller man.

Noah let out a breath. He gently lifted Ray's arm from his hip and looked at his face, instantly tranced: He looked peaceful with his expression relaxed- His usual glare and darkened frown wasn't etched on his eyebrows or eyes, and his lips weren't drawn tight.

The usual guarded expression Noah was familiar with at his college was no longer worn and instead, the calm face gave the soft- however sharp- features of the nineteen-year-old's face a gentle, tranquil aura that Noah never expected to see from the other.

Noah let out a breath, awed by his... beauty.

Ray had never been beautiful to Noah.

He was always handsome and stoic to the point Noah thought it were impossible for him to even laugh.

But this time, Noah began to see that Ray might have some features of his mother's. Although Noah has never seen Ray's mother, he knew that the sleeping boy must share at least some, considering how magnificent he looked.

"And here I thought you said you never watched me when I sleep."

Noah jumped, snapping out of his thoughts and looking at Ray, who still had his eyes closed. He cleared his throat, swallowing, "I wasn't, I- I was just thinking."

"About me?" Came the sly suggestion. Noah saw the upwards turn of Ray's lips and he slapped his arm, causing a chuckle to echo from awoken man.

"Shut up," Noah mumbled, feeling the heat slowly start to creep up from his neck. He quickly shot up, about to hop off from the bed; But then felt a heavy hand grab his side.

Noah was yanked back down into the softness of the mattress and duvet by the hand. Then came another arm that securely wrapped around his waist.

"Where're you goin'?" Came the mumble against the back of Noah's neck.

The lips placed small, open-mouthed kisses against Noah's nape, sending shivers throughout his body while making his shoulders hunch upwards.

"R-Ray, stop!" Noah giggled at Ray nuzzling where his shoulder and neck joined, "It tickles!"

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