15) Christmas Gift

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A/N: I'm not even gonna put a warning-


"Zanyah! How are you?" Noah's mother embraced Priyanka's mother closely and both kissed each other on both cheeks.

"I'm fine Evelyn, Lord it's been so long since I've seen you all. How are you sweethearts?" Zanyah smiled down at James and May and gave them a warm hug, "You two have grown so much!"

Noah's mother, Evelyn, smoothed down James's hair, "Thank you for inviting us to stay over, I was wor- Tierra! Oh my God!"

Evelyn gasped and opened her arms for Elijah's mother to hug her. Elijah's mother, Tierra grabbed Evelyn and squeezed her into a hug, both laughing and kissing each other on the cheek.

"Hello my love! It's so good to see us three together again!" Tierra chuckled and smothered both James and May in kisses before swooping them up into a bear hug as Evelyn went to greet Mia.

"Such a handsome young man you are James, and what a beautiful young lady you've grown into May!"

"Good to see you too Aunty Tierra," giggled May, James returning the hug with a small 'hi' and light-hearted laugh.

Meanwhile over at the back, Alexander and Elijah entered the dining hall, both receiving confused expressions from both Priyanka and Noah.

"Go to your friends pet," Alexander smirked and lightly tapped Elijah's lower back, to which he grumbled and moved away at.

"Don't touch me... and don't call me 'pet' you weirdo..." Elijah mumbled out of ear shot, glaring at Alexander's back as he made his way over to Ray, Aiden and Xavier and sat down on the sofa they were seated at.

Noah raised an eyebrow in question at Elijah when he came over.

"Got lost and bumped into Mr Jones," he mumbled and received a blank stare from both friends.

" 'I won't get lost' hm?" Priyanka pursed her lips and continued to look at her phone.

" 'Trust me' , he said. Trust me," Noah mocked, dramatically grabbing Priyanka's arm at the over-exaggerated last words. Elijah gave a sheepish smile and scratched the back of his neck.

"Shut up, okay you were right- oh no," Elijah said, expression dropping, "our mums have reunited. Together."

The other two whirled around in their sofa and stared at their mother's who were laughing together, "Oh no..."

"This is horrible, those three together are literally chaos. Lord help us," Noah groaned, dropping his head backwards onto the sofa's headrest.

James seemed to spot his older brother and his friends and made his way to them with a cheerful beam. May was already introduced to Alison by Zanyah and was at the other end of the dining hall with her new friend.

How does she make friends so quick...

James turned his head away from his little eleven-year-old sister with a grin and carried on his way to the three. However he stopped dead in his tracks and his grin dropped at the sight of a certain boy who just walked through the open door to the dining room.

The gradually, rapid beating of his heart was felt and James slowly inhaled and exhaled to try calm it down.


The taller boy had earphones in and his left hand was hidden in his trouser's pocket, phone in his other hand. Both of his sleeves were pulled up to his elbows and he took out his pocketed hand to run his fingers through his hair before returning it into his pocket.

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