6) Sasha

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The three musketeers watched on in silence as Ray mercilessly thrashed his fists in the guy's face, turning his cheeks swollen. This being the third time he's beat someone up.

Was his name Carlo?

With a shrug, Noah walked towards a table and Priyanka, along with Elijah, followed, still keeping their eyes on the duo. Grunts left the boy's mouth and he tried to block the punches, but they were coming at such speed that even Noah couldn't focus on Ray's fist.

An ear-splitting scream shook through the dinner hall, causing everyone to jump and snap their head towards the scene once more. His arm was bent in an awkward angle.

Too awkward.

Did Ray just break his motherfucking arm?!

Noah watched on with wide eyes. His sandwich was held between his hand, his small carton of orange juice in the other hand.

Eyes followed Ray's movement as he casually walked out the lunch hall as if he didn't just break a person's arm and leave them bleeding. Two boys, which were the beaten guys friends, ran up to him and helped him up, taking him out the dinner hall and presumably to the school infirmary.

"Where the fuck are all the teachers when this happens?!" Elijah exclaimed, throwing his hands up in disbelief.

"Honestly...I have no clue," Noah replied and slowly took a bite of his sandwich, still staring at the doorway that the boys left through.

"The teachers don't give a fuck about what happens in this forsaken place, they just care about the money," Priyanka dead-panned. With a straight face she added, "probably fucking each other to be honest"

Noah choked on his bite of sandwich, turning him into a fit of coughs. Grinning, Elijah patted Noah on his back and laughed.

"It's facts bro, you gotta get used to the facts."

[ . . . ]

{ Noah's P.O.V }

The lunch hall was full of the buzzing of noise and chatter, some discussing the fight scene, others discussing things in general and not caring about what happened between the guy and Ray. We stayed in our corner, munching away at our lunch and talking about mixed things.

"So..." I hesitated in my speech, not sure if I should say it. But they're my friends, like family to me so... I guess I could? It's not like he'd mind- Pri and Eli were like his older siblings too. "My brother had another nightmare."

Immediately, Pri and Eli stopped talking among themselves and looked at me.

"When?" Elijah asked and frowned. James was like a little brother to Elijah. We used to go to the park and play football and because James begged me to take him, I did. So James knew Elijah and yeah, he liked him a lot.

Whenever I'm told to pick my two siblings up. Pri and Eli come with me so yes, James and May also know Priyanka quite well. Because Pri is that girl who anyone could get along with, they took a liking into her as an older sister- Not like Eli, though.

Elijah has been with them since their nappy days.

"Today at like four in the morning." I recalled the way James was thrashing in his bed, causing my heart to pang once more, "I woke up to him screaming so I just stayed with him till he calmed down."

The corners of Priyanka's lips turned upwards slightly, "you're a good older brother...this is why I either wanted a younger sibling or older sibling. Younger so I can take care of them and older so they can take care of me"

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