17) Friendship

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Elijah stepped down the dark hallways with a twitching frown, the tapping of his shoes echoing the vacant halls.

Confusion bubbled in Elijah as he went over what happened back there. He didn't know what it was, he just knew it was wrong.

Alexander, his teacher, had cornered him and pressed him close, and he found comfort in it.

Is that how Noah felt with Ray?

A sigh of frustration left Elijah's lips and he found himself abruptly turning a different direction.

I want food.

The first floor lights were always in use so Elijah was greeted with brightness when he came out the dim corridors and into the kitchen.

However he looked up from the floor at the sight of a certain person.

They both stopped, stared and glared at each other.

"Why aren't you in bed?!"

The question came simultaneously from both siblings in a quiet hiss from each end of the kitchen.

"What do you mean why am I not in bed?! I'm bloody older than you!" Mia scoffed and bit off a piece of chocolate from her bar, "Besides, I'm eating."

Elijah squinted at her before marching forward and snatching the bar out of her hand.



Through Elijah's yelling, Mia pounced on him, causing him to topple backwards and the chocolate bar to slide out of his hand.

"Listen here you annoying loser," Mia grabbed the chocolate bar and chomped the rest of it off, stuffing it all in her mouth, "Ish mine."

Elijah glared up at her sister and growled, shoving her off, "You- You pig!"

"Oink." Mia lazily imitated a pig's sound and took another chocolate bar out of her pocket.

"You had another one," Elijah said in disbelief and watched as his sister ripped the top open, "I'm trying to stress eat and you're eating everything there is!"

"Oh yeah? And why is my fat brother trying to stress eat at two in the morning?"

"I'm not fat! You weigh more than me!" Elijah hissed and folded his arms like a little child, pouting with his bottom lip and had his eyes cast to the marble floor.

"Yeah, these heavy things on my chest hurt my back. Oh and my ass. It's all pa-"

"I'm having friendship problems," Elijah interrupted, not wanting to hear the rest of what the older girl was trying to say. A snort caused Elijah to tilt his head up.

May thumped her chest as she erupted into a fit of choking, "Y-You sure you didn't just- act childishly and storm off? Water, I need water."

Elijah glared at his sibling and watched her take gulps of water to wash the clogged piece of chocolate down her throat.

Why is she my sister?

"I didn't storm off..." He mumbled in a quiet voice. In a sense, he was telling the truth: He simply walked out to get fresh air.

His statement was followed with a roll of Mia's eyes and she walked towards her brother. She grabbed his upper arm with her free hand and led him to two stools that were at the side of the kitchen, plopping them both down.

"How many times have I told you that you need to always be there when your close ones are feeling low?" Mia admonished softly, peeling the chocolate wrapper further down, "You storming out probably made Noah feel worse. He was already doubting his actions, Eli."

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