5) Not again...

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{ Noah's P.O.V }

I stared up at Ray with wide eyes and a beating heart. He was looking down at me caged between him and the wall with blanked over eyes and a mouth that was in a straight line. I gulped down and let out a shaky breath.

"Let me go, I- I have to get to Pri and Eli," I stuttered meekly and attempted to push him off me. I placed my hands on his chest and lightly pushed in a way to say 'get the fuck away' without triggering him. 

However, as soon as I did that, my wrists were slammed into the wall and were held by a pair of hands.

"Ow! Let go you're hurting me!" I yelled and tried to tug my wrists free from his tight grip. Marks were definitely gonna be left there. I kicked my legs out and made an effort to get him off.

'Don't lie to yourself, you're enjoying it...'  The little voice said in my head and i hate to admit this but... i kind of do. But thats the thing i hate.

I hate that I like this.

I shouldn't like this, it's wrong! Beyond wrong.

Shut the hell up, I'm not.

I was stopped in my kicking by Ray tightening his grip on my wrists, and stepping even closer.

"Stop moving," He breathed into my ear.


My head whipped to the door that banged open and in the doorway, stood Priyanka with Elijah behind her. Her face started with confusion, then slowly changed to anger and she stomped inside. 

"I wondered why you were taking so long to just pack up," She hissed whilst glaring at us two before pushing Ray off me and shouting into his face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, huh?! We're at fucking school, can't you use your brain and not act like a rouge animal for at least one minute?!?!"

Elijah started to walk into the class and came towards me with a slight smirk.

" 'Im not gay' huh?" He chuckled and i replied with a glare and 'shut up' before both of us returned our gaze back to the two.

"I was just playing with him, why do you always have to be such a bitch?" Ray answered in a bored voice and leaned against the wall with his hands in his pocket. 

My jaw dropped.

Playing with me? Am I a game?! Wait no-

Did this bitch just call Pri a bitch? Did he-

"Whoa hold the FUCK up. You," I pointed at Ray, "are calling her," I pointed at Pri, "a bitch?"

"you?"I questioned whilst directing my finger back at Ray with squinted and confused eyes. Elijah scoffed and crossed his arms with a sneer.

"You're making it sound as if being a bitch is a bad thing. It takes a badass girl to be a bitch, you bastard," Elijah remarked and looked straight at Ray's eyes. Ray stared at Elijah for a second before slowly walking up to him.

"and who the fuck are you?" He demanded with a twitch of the lips.

"I'm Elijah fucking Wood" Elijah bit back with narrowed eyebrows. Now that they were standing next to each other, i could see that Elijah was only about two centimeters shorter than Ray, him being very well toned whereas Elijah was lean and slightly toned.
"Is bitch the only word you can think of by the way?"

A vein in Ray's head was starting to show and you could tell he was holding himself back. I reached out and tugged on Elijah's sleeve, "Elijah," I tried.

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