11) Blowjob

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A/N:  (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... I think you know by the title

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{ Noah's P.O.V }

I sighed as me and my family entered our home, stepping out of our shoes and removing our jackets. There were four types of people:

May who was bustling with excitement and yelling about how good the food was, James who was silently watching May with a smile, Mum who was tired and headed off to bed.

And then me.

I, Noah Anderson, flustered and still red about the events that happened about an hour ago. 

I didn't even know where to put my hands!

The feeling of Ray's lips against my skin was still present and left a tickling sensation throughout my body. I felt myself lightly blush as I cleared my throat and made my way to my bedroom to change out of this suit.

But no! H-How dare he do that thing at the table! I literally spit out my drink!

I swear, tomorrow I'm gonna make sure I get him back because this isn't fair.

Fuck, I'm clammy. I need a shower.

I practically ran to the bathroom and stripped naked, before jumping into the shower and turning the knob to hot water.

Letting the warm water cascade down my body, I ran my hands down my body in order to try get the sweat off.

Thoughts raced through my head. You can guess what it was about.

Yep, Ray.

My hands gliding down my body began to suddenly feel like Ray's; Images of him behind me and sliding his hands around me popped into my mind.


I startled back to reality and shot my eyes open, water from the showerhead spitting into my eyes and making me flinch back, squeezing them back shut.

After quickly squeezing body gel onto a loofa and scrubbing every inch of my body, I hopped out, drying myself and padding to my room.

I entered my room and went to the mirror, craning my neck and giving myself a better view of the hickey that was still there, raw and red. 

Groaning, I changed into my pajamas and looked at the unread messages from Pri and Elijah on Whatsapp

[Missed Call from 'Eli']
[Missed Call from 'Eli']
[Missed Call from 'Pri']

The Three Idiots

Eli : NOAH 😂😂

Pri : You weren't supposed to tell him YOU IDIOT🤦🏽‍♀️

Eli : ... 😶😶 Mb, she didn't tell me that Noah

Noah : Priyankaaaa 😭 

Eli : Did you and Ray fuck doe?

Pri : I swear to mother-fucking God Elijah, your face will meet the bottom of my shoe tomorrow.

I slammed my face into my pillow and screamed, before looking back at my screen with a flustered face.

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