18) Little Mermaid's hickey

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A/N: I think I gave myself a longer break than I intended to- aHem onto the story ✌😭.



Priyanka excitedly pulled her top off and ran into her walk-in wardrobe, "Don't come in!" Her muffled voice was heard from behind the sliding doors. Elijah and Noah hesitantly looked at each other and blinked.

"Am I the only one who's kinda not looking forward to swimming?" Elijah scratched the back of his neck and cringed as images of Alexander flashed through his mind.

Yes. Cringed.

Noah stared at Elijah and burst into a beam, shuffling forward, "Mr Jones?"
His whisper caught Elijah off guard and he jumped away, rubbing his ear at the feeling, "You know we're only going to be wearing swimming trunks?"

Elijah darted to Priyanka's bed, planting himself face-first into the sheets, " 'M not GOING!"

The sliding doors to the wardrobe slid open and Priyanka emerged in her swimming suit. "You can just wear a cotton top and shorts if you feel uncomfortable. I'm not wearing my bikini today."

Priyanka gestured to her white swimsuit that was showing her legs, arms and collarbone. Leaves were patterned at the stomach, climbing up along to the frills decorating at the chest area. White straps were hooked over her shoulders and travelled behind her back, crossing over each other and making the shape of an 'x'.

Elijah lifted his face off the bed to look at Priyanka. He sighed, groaned and kicked before planting his face right back onto the bed. Rolling over, he swung his arms up and let them plop back down, "You look good in that though. How am I meant to look good in normal clothes."

His words were processed through Priyanka's head and she scoffed, "Okay- wait- you're worried about looking good? I thought you-"  Priyanka sighed, placing her fingers on her forehead, "So you're not worried about Alexander staring at you?"

"Huh?" Elijah's voice shot up several octaves, along with himself now springing up into a sitting position. "Who said he'd be staring? I never mentioned him. He won't be staring- actually no let him stare. What's he going to do? I'll show him he can't just play around with me and make me flustered and- and embarrassed."

He stood to his feet, forgetting that Noah and Priyanka were in the same room as him and darted to Priyanka's chest-of-drawers labelled 'Elijah'. The curly-haired boy yanked the draw open and pulled out red knee-lengthed swimming trunks.

His two forgotten friends stood and watched, dumbfounded, as he rushed into the wardrobe. Priyanka looked at Noah, "..... And you? Are you going to wear normal clothes or..."

Noah hummed in question then answered, "It's only Aiden and Mr Jones swimming with us. And I didn't think we'd be swimming so I didn't bring swimming trunks." He smiled sheepishly and took the t-shirt and shorts that Priyanka had in her extended hand.

The wardrobe doors slid open and out strode Elijah, toned arms folded over his chest. Unlike Noah, Elijah had visible muscles. His six pack was definitely visible and toned, however not body-builder ripped. He had a soft touch to his muscles, along with his pecs and biceps.

And Noah? Well. Let's just say he still has baby fat.

"What did you mean by you wouldn't look good in trunks?!" Noah exclaimed, hands falling onto his hips.  Elijah pressed his lips together and tried not to smile, but failed. "Okay, well. To be fair," Elijah sniffed with pride and sat on the edge of the bed, bringing his left knee up into a pose, "When do I not look good."

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