10) Family dinner

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{ Noah's P.O.V }

"Noah can we get ice cream?" May eagerly asked, jumping up and down and pointing to an ice-cream van.

I checked the time on my phone and shrugged, "James you want ice-cream?"

I turned to look at James who was silent beside me, staring at the ground. I frowned and called his name again, ending with the same result.

He was dazed out again. It was quite normal.

However he hasn't been easily distracted this frequently for a long time.

"Hey..." I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me flinching. My eye-brows furrowed even further when I felt him flinch; he never flinched.

"Are you okay?" I asked with concern. James look back down and whispered in an almost faint voice,

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just dazed off a bit."

Yeah right.

I've been through enough to know that people don't mean that when they say it. 

Especially with an expression that says you're about to cry.

"Let's get ice-cream," I softly suggested and guided him to the truck, pulling May with me.

"James...?" May said in a hushed voice beside me. I looked down at her and to see her peering over at James with worry laced in her eyes.

May isn't stupid. Although she is eleven and can act like the baby, she actually understands things that are usually way more mature for her age. She understood a 'that's what she said' joke for God's sake...

"Are you okay?" She hesitantly asked and again, James replied with 'I'm fine'. He looked over to our little sister's doubtful eyes and chuckled, pulling her tiny hand to him.

"I promise I'm fine lil sis, you don't have to worry about me," he reassured her as I payed for the ice-creams.

Thanking the man, I headed back over to my two younger siblings and handed them their ice-creams.

As I handed James his cone, I bent down and whispered so May couldn't hear us, "I need to talk to you when we get home."

I stood back up and heard a grumble from James.

Sorry James but if you're going through what I was going through, I'm not letting that happen.

[ At home ]

"Hey mum," I greeted into the house whilst taking off my coat. After a few seconds, Mum came running round the corner of our apartment with an excited gleam in her eyes.

"Guys get ready! We're going to a fancy restaurant for dinner!" she commanded with a wide grin plastered on her face. I was taken aback from what I heard and so was James and May from the looks of it. The three of us stood in the doorway with wide eyes and confused expressions until James spoke first.

"What? How fancy?" He asked, staring up at mum, "As in- expensive fancy?"

"We don't have enough money for restaurants Mum..." May added in a small voice. We never once had a family outing of any sort with the four of us. It was always walking around in a park or going to a small café in the neighborhood, so this news really took me by surprise. 

Adding the fact that Mum was the only one working in our family, I was confused at how or when Mum got the money.

I applied for a part-time job a week ago at Sainsbury's and they had asked me to give in a CV, which I did just four days ago. They haven't gotten back to me yet.

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