I Asked Her First. 😒

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                                 *Both Fleur and Hermione ask Y/N to the Yule Ball*

Requested by: Shrade26

                    Y/N had never expected to be asked to the Yule Ball, let alone be fought over. It all started when Fleur Delacour arrived. Your best friend, Hermione, whom you've had a massive crush on since first year, had become extra clingy. Every time Fleur would approach you, she would hug you from behind and glare daggers into Fleur.

                      Then, a few weeks before the Yule Ball, when Hermione had left you alone so she could study, Fleur had asked you to the Yule Ball. Unexpected, yes, but since you knew Hermione wouldn't ask you, Fleur was a perfect date choice. Until you were proved stupid, naive, and all-together conflicted when Hermione had asked a day later, confessing her love for you. And now you were standing between two girls, who were both hellbent on hexing each other.

                   "I asked first Hermione! Back off!" Fleur hissed, her fists clenched at her sides. Hermione barked back a reply. "Why do you even want to go with her? Sex? Money?" Fleur looked offended. "I wouldn't dream of using her for such things! I just really like her!" Hermione sneered. "I've been in love with her since first year! You've only known her for a short amount of time!"

                      Y/N attempted to calm the storm that was brewing right in front of her eyes. "Girls, girls. Can't we work this out?" (No lie Y/N, that was a stupid thing to ask.) They ignored Y/N's sorry attempts to grab their attention. Until Y/N got an...interesting idea. Y/N took off all the pieces of clothing (besides her bra) that made up her top.

              Now that got the two girls' attention. "W-wha?" both Hermione and Fleur yelped. Y/N sighed and shook her head. "Now that I have your attention...I want to say one thing. If you can't handle me being perverted, you aren't my type." Y/N stated matter-of-factly. Fleur smirked. 

              "So, whoever can handle it, wins you as a date?" Y/N nodded, then glanced at her best friend. "Do you agree to terms?"Hermione nodded. (Y/N has an interesting way of settling things XD) 

                      Y/N leaned and whispered suductively into Fleur's ear. "I'm hungry. Can I eat you?" Fleur flushed heavily, frowning. Y/N leaned the opposite way to whisper suggestively into Hermione's ear. "Are you sure you're a muggle, coz that ass is magical." Hermione giggled, her face red.

                   "My test is complete. Hermione won." Fleur looked insulted. "But I-" Y/N shrugged. "You agreed to terms, and Hermione won. Sorry Fleur." Fleur huffed and stormed away, leaving Y/N and Hermione to grin at each other. "So, love, what will you be wearing?" Hermione asked, kissing the other girl's cheek gently. This was going to be fun.

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