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You had your head laid in you best friend Milo's lap.  They played with your hair as they wanted to you about their crush. "But seriously, I really like Neville! I don't know why, I just do."

You stifled a laugh. "You've told me that many times. But then you go on to say, 'maybe it's because he is so sweet and is very passionate about anything he does! Well, when he isn't too scared to do it.'" Milo gasped dramatically. "How dare you use my own words against me!"

"I would have had to eventually! You say it so much!"

"At least I'm not dating the smartest witch of our age! Oh wait that's kind of a flex-"

"Hah! Bitch, that means I win!"

"You don't win you whore!" They laughed, their face close to yours. You were used to their Hufflepuff arse being all up in your face, but Hermione hadn't met Milo yet. She knew you two were friends, but had never actually met them.

Also, she didn't know that they only like cock, but with an exception for trans boys. So, with their face close to yours, Hermione stared at you both with angry death rays. In other words, her jealous gaze.

She stormed over, shoving Milo away from you. They looked utterly shocked as she did, looking at you sympathetically when their lap was pulled away from your head, which made you hit it on the chair.

"Ow! Bloody hell Mione! What was that for?!" You yelped, rubbing the back of your head and wincing. She looked furious.

"Are you cheating on me?!" She asked, scowling dangerously at you. Milo tried to intervene, trying to calm Hermione down. "Hermione, she's not-" she cut them off angrily. "No one asked you!"

You sat up, groaning a little at the pain in your head. "Mione, I'm not cheating." Hermione looked unimpressed. "Sure your not. Then what did I just see? You two were about to kiss!"

Milo laughed chaotically, running their fingers through their hair. "A-actually, I like dick, so no thank you! Bestie! You didn't tell me you were into me!"

You snickered. "As if! You're too gay for me. No thanks-" Hermione looked deadass confused. "Then who is this?"

You grinned at Hermione. "This is my best friend Milo. I was teasing them about their crush earlier. And they are always in my face Mione!" Hermione looked like she had just, for the first time ever, got an answer wrong.

"O-oh... So you aren't cheating?" You stood up and pulled her close, her burying her nose in your neck. "Of course not baby..." Milo cheered. "I hardcore ship you two omg-"

You giggled, giving her a soft kiss. "And I'm definitely not cheating on you with Milo." Hermione laughed and kissed your nose. "Good. Because I don't share."

A/N: Milo is my favourite OC I've created. Also only my second OC but whatever.

Hermione x Fem Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now