The Switch

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                                     *Y/N goes from being a Hufflepuff to a Slytherin*

                      The switch. Going from one house to another. Very unusual, but everybody suspected Y/N never showed her true colors to begin with. Or maybe she changed. But she would always be the Hufflepuff that is "to cocky to live" or the Hufflepuff with a nasty bite. She had always been a bitch to the first years, had snapped at Fat Friar, and showed absolutely no respect to anyone in her house. That is, until she asked Dumbledore to switch. Hermione took special interest in this. After all, she had a massive crush on her. 

              Y/N paraded around the Great Hall with her new Slytherin tie, her head held high with pride and a smirk playing on her lips. She chatted with Draco, who was grinning from ear-to-ear. It was a highly unusual sight, but the sight of Y/N talking to Draco made Hermione's blood sear with jealousy.   Ron nudged her playfully. "If you keep death-glaring Draco, maybe a Dementor will find its way over here from Azkaban to bully him." Harry shuddered from beside Ron. "Shut your fucking mouth Ron. It may have happened three years ago, but it still haunts me to this day."

           Y/N turned her head towards the Gryffindor table, and she said something to Draco, making the blonde boy choke on air. Y/N made her way over to Hermione, and she bent down and whispered into the other girl's ear. "Meet me in your common room. Midnight. Only let me in." Hermione smiled. Maybe this switch wasn't to bad after all.

A/N: Sorry it's so short. Anybody here for smut next? coz I'm bored. :)

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