Pricked Fingers

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                           **Hermione finds out Y/N is a vampire***

                            (By the way, this will be going by certain vampire folklore, the rest will be made up as I go because, why not?)

                  Your eyes began to turn blood red, the intoxicating scent of blood in your scent glands. You craved the sweet liquid. You needed it. But you tried to lay low as Hermione yelped, blood slowly dripping down her finger. Y/N felt her stomache cramp with need and desire. Your head began to ache while your face paled. Hermione turned to you, concerned. "What's wrong, Love?" You felt your teeth lengthen. "I...don't feel so great."

                        "Do you need to go out for fresh air?" Your eyes widened in alarm. You knew very well that the sun was at its highest point. Because as a vampire, your skin is very sensitive. You would basically fry. "N-no thanks. I think I'm jut going to take a quick walk in the corridors." Hermione pulled out a band-aid (you didn't know what it was though), and curiousity got the better of you. "What is that?" Hermione flashed you a quick smile. "A band-aid. It helps Muggles heal." You snorted with contempt. "Okay then..." Your eyes kept changing from red, to amber, to violet, to e/c. You needed to get out of there before Hermione realized something was up. Her blood was still easy to smell from here.

                  "Uh...I'll be back later!" Hermione stood up. "I'll come with you if you'd like!" That's where you snapped. Your eyes flashed amber, panic scrawled across your face, and you hissed, fangs showing. "NO!" You quickly covered your mouth and ran into the bathroom that Moaning Myrtle lived in. You slammed the door of the stall and locked, then you sat on the toilet, tears streaming down your face. You heard quiet steps and labored breathing, as if she had been running. 

                            Since Moaning Myrtle had finally decided she'd get out more, the heavy breathing and quiet steps were the only sounds. "Y/N? Love, are you in here?" Hermione said, out of breath. You refused to respond, knowing she'd probably break up with you. She unlocked your stall with an Unlocking Charm. "Alohomora." You heard the word being pronounced quietly, and you heard the stall door let out a faint click.

                             She looked at you with an exasperated face as you sat on the toilet, knees pressed to your chest. "Love." That was all she said as you stared down at the floor. She kneeled down, looking up at you. "Baby, look at me." You turned your head, your nostrils flared. You could still smell the blood from her finger. With her unwounded hand, she grabbed your face and turned your's towards her. "I told you to look at me." You finally looked her in the eye, your eye color changing to violet. 

                          "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked softly, running her thumb across your lip, trying to catch a glimpse of your fangs. You decided to just make it easier for her by opening your mouth. Your fangs had reached their full length, which honestly wasn't too long. But Hermione was still fascinated by it.  "Put your legs on the ground." You did as you were told, and Hermione sat on your lap, sitting with her back to the stall door and facing you.

                                 "They're beautiful...." she whispered, running her finger up and down your pearly white fangs. "You don't hate me?" Hermione shook her head, chuckling. "Of course not, Love. I really like it actually." You smirked. "Did you know vampires can shapeshift?" Hermione squealed like a little girl. "Show me!!!" She slid off your lap and stood up, watching patiently as you walked out of the stall to have more room.

                                Slowly, your nose morphed into a long, sharp muzzle. Your ears began to form on the top of your head. You became furry and your clothes magically disappeared. When you had finished, you had turned into a fluffy black wolf with bright e/c eyes. She stared in awe as you licked her unwounded hand gently. She lifted her hand and began to stroke her hands through the fluff. "Woah..." You took a step back and you changed back into human form, your clothes reappearing as well.

                               "Did you leave because of this...?" she pointed to her injured finger. You nodded sheepishly. "Does Dumbledore know?" You nodded. "He tries to keep me supplied with blood, but it isn't always enough. Unlike normal teenage humans, we don't get the same types of periods. We have to drink more blood, but we don't lose any. But I couldn't bring myself to tell Dumbledore that I need more." Hermione looked thoughtful. 

                                 "I'll help you tell him." You grinned. "Thanks." Hermione then smirked. "Y'know...I was kind of hoping when you tranformed back that you would have reappeared without clothes..." You turned beet red. Merlin, this girl.

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